If a Jewish woman is raped by a Gentile, is her baby considered Jewish?

2016-06-18 5:43 pm
I am aware that in a Jewish/non-Jewish marriage, that their children are considered Jewish ONLY if the wife is Jewish but not if the husband is Jewish. But what happens if both are Jewish but she has a child from raped by a Gentile; is her child considered Jewish since the child had been conceived because of that violent crime instead of within her marriage relationship?

回答 (6)

2016-06-20 7:08 am
"If a Jewish woman is raped by a Gentile, is her baby considered Jewish? "

Yes, the baby is 100% Jewish if the mother is Jewish regardless of the status of the father. Jewish law is very simple:
If your mother is Jewish and your father is not you are 100% Jewish
If your father is Jewish and your mother is not you are 0% Jewish.
If you are not Jewish and then convert to Judaism you are 100% Jewish

No ambiguity at all.
參考: Orthodox Jew; Reverend
2016-06-18 6:04 pm
No matter by what means conception occurs, the offspring will be Jewish if the Mother is Jewish.
2016-06-18 5:53 pm
Except for the lineage of kings under Judaic practice and regulation tribal identity is through the maternal line since only the mother is certain. Prior to genetic testing the identity of the father has always been unprovable
2016-06-18 5:47 pm
Oh yeah it is...the mother has to be a sweet Jew. The father can be a filthy uncut barbarian for all G_d cares.
2016-06-18 7:20 pm
God's mercy covers the child... it will be a Jew....
2016-06-18 5:45 pm
Yes, but what a weird question. It's not as absurdly hypothetical as "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin" or "if I had 5 quintillion litres of water sitting around, could I put the sun out", but it's going in that direction.

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