What is a cash pull?

2016-06-18 3:12 am
I work at Sonic drive in and my manager asked for two "cash pulls" during that day. What does that mean? Whats the point of it? Is it a good thing? I work as a carhop and any help would be appreciated.

Oh and can anyone explaining this make this very simple to understand

回答 (3)

2017-01-16 7:04 pm
Cash Pull
2016-06-18 4:22 am
Generally it means that they don't want a ton of money in the cash register, they take out most of the $20's and put it in the safe, to be made as a deposit at the end of the day. So two cash pulls means they're reducing the amount in the till twice during the day.
2016-06-18 3:40 am
Balance ur food tickets with cash received

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