How to voluntarily admit to a psychiatric hospital in England?

2016-06-18 12:40 am
My daughter is 13 she is diagnosed as having a depressive episode she has tried to kill herself twice. She's locked herself in the bathroom with the bleach and will only Come out if she can go to a mental hospital for a long term stay atleast 2 weeks. I'm not sure but in the uk I don't think you can admit yourself and it's almost 1 so no doctors. Tomorrow being weekend we can't get anyone till Monday I'm afraid she'll try kill herself by then I need her in hospital tonight and I don't know how please help

回答 (4)

2016-06-18 3:17 pm
It sounds to me like your daughter has you over a barrel and this is a pure (and vile) form of emotional blackmail.

Yyou can either ring the police or an ambulance, or you can coax her out of the backroom and take her to to her GP who can arrange admission IF he deems it necessary.
參考: Ii'm a qualified mental health practitioner in England (UK),
2016-06-18 12:53 am
Bring her to the emergency room. and explain to them what is going on. in the states I know you can do that and they will watch over someone until a place on the hospital opens up, but in not sure in England. but that would be your safest bet is to take her to the emergency room. I hope this helps, and I hope she gets better. (:
2016-06-18 1:27 am
If she truly wants to go,, tell her to take a dump on the ERs administrations desk,, while acting like Dorathy, from the Wizard of Oz... they'll let her in.. for more than 2 weeks..
2016-06-18 1:51 am
Probably a symptom of depression. Depression is common but easy to treat. Depression means your brain is not producing sufficient serotonin.

Tell a dr. how you feel and ask for Zoloft, an excellent antidepressant.-----------It take 2-3 wks for your body to adjust, during which time you will have trouble staying asleep. But after that, you will be a whole new, happy, healthy person.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:02:35
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