Does my mum have a tumour?

2016-06-17 3:58 pm
Okay so my mums left hand is, all of a sudden, really really weak like she can grip things but not very tightly at all, also she is having troubles with her memory. Could this possibly be the sign of a tumour or somethin else? Thanks so much in advance

回答 (7)

2016-06-17 9:02 pm
It is possible.
So are a huge range of other things.
She needs to see a dr for a diagnosis.
2016-06-17 4:02 pm
Your mum needs to see a doctor. The average YA user is not qualified to diagnose your mum.
2016-06-17 5:05 pm
Mor likely a STROKE, not a tumor.
2016-06-18 12:27 am
should do a mamography
2016-06-17 10:30 pm
I have the same problem with my hand but it is because of arthritis and sometimes when the pain is severe it can affect my memory but mum wont know until she speaks to her doctor, good Luck
2016-06-17 5:13 pm
Just having a tumor? Any particular body part you're referring to? If you mean in her hand, that's unlikely and memory problems aren't a symptom of any tumor besides a brain tumor.
2016-06-17 3:59 pm
Alzheimer disease?

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