Should I say yes to his proposal? Help!!!?

2016-06-17 1:03 pm
He said my whole name and asked me if i want to marry him. He even asked if I want to be Mrs (his last name)? Should I say yes even though there's no ring? And we've been together for 7 years

回答 (10)

2016-06-17 3:29 pm
If you've been together 7 years AND you're both at least in your mid 20s AND you're a financially stable couple AND you're both mature and responsible AND you're both ready to legally bind your life to someone else's, then go for it.

Your post gives us NO information to base an opinion on. His method of proposal is irrelevant, and the number of years you've been together, although relevant, isn't as much a deciding factor unless you're both past the 'brain finished developing' mark (which happens around age 25, give or take).

One would assume you gave him an answer when he asked you, and didn't ask him to wait while you polled the people on Y!A.
2016-06-17 1:41 pm
Forget about how he proposed, do you see yourself spending the rest of your life with him? Can you imagine a future together? Are you compatible? The proposal delivery shouldn't matter, he's asking you to spend the rest of your life with him, do you want to do that?
2016-06-17 1:23 pm
Why would you come to Y!A and ask random strangers this question? What the ****. This is YOUR life decision. You decide if you wanna stay with him or not.
2016-06-17 5:00 pm
He could not come up with a ring in 7 years? Are you certain this proposal is for real or is it just another line to string you along
2016-06-17 1:39 pm
2016-06-17 1:32 pm
If you love him go for it!

You've been together for 7 years, so I think you've known him for a good period to determine whether or not you want to spend the rest of your life with him!

If there's no ring, maybe he's planning on buying you one later, maybe when he's more financially stable!

Best of luck ^^
2016-06-17 6:45 pm
Well it was great of him to ask, but traditionally there is a ring. You can say "yes" and in the next breath let him know you're ready to go shopping for the ring now.. i would.
2016-06-17 5:31 pm
You don't need a ring to be engaged. You say yes because you want to share your life with him.....not because of a stupid ring.
2016-06-17 1:09 pm
Ofcourse yes .. If you want to marry & stay together forever and be good friends with him too..
2016-06-17 1:04 pm
Tell him your flattered, but you will believe him and say yes when he puts a ring on you're finger.
參考: Words are cheap and actions always speak louder.

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