Why do guys feel the need to catcall? And how should I deal with it?

2016-06-17 12:14 am
Everytime I go to town I get catcalled by lots of guys and some of them are much older than me like up to their mid 20's and I'm only 16. They do be stopping their cars and rolling down the windows and saying something or asking me for my number or commenting on my "***". It's honestly really uncomfortable and I never know how to react I usually just ignore them. It's not as if I'm wearing provocative clothing, I'll just wear leggings and a hoodie like any other 16 year old girl. I should be able to wear what I want anyway without some guy saying anything. So should i say something to them and tell them to stop?

回答 (3)

2016-06-17 12:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
ignoring them is the best idea ---- i dont know why they catcall i have never heard of any guy achieving anything by catcalling ---- saying anything will only encourage them ---- they dont care about you they have no respect for any lady and they think they are so cool when everyone around them knows they are showing how foolish they are
2016-06-17 1:56 am
The best thing to do is ignore them. And they catcall because they have no social skills and they like to make women feel uncomfortable and demeaned. yes, you should be able to wear whatever you want and not be harassed.
2016-06-17 1:15 am
Take your father and your brother(s) (if you have brothers) with you.

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