Donald Trump has been married to his latest wife for 11 years now. Will he change wives within the next 4 years as history has shown?

2016-06-16 3:36 pm

回答 (5)

2016-06-16 3:38 pm
I don't care about his personal life, I'm more worried about his public persona.
2016-06-16 4:20 pm

with all the stress of the campaign,

dt will allege he needs the attention of yet anuther 20-something foreign model wife to relieve it.

he's only 70.

i think he's operating on the johnny depp model [no pun intended.]

but im sure dt's Dreat Team [no pun intended,]

will have a 100+ pp pre-nup for the lucky gal to sign.

not too bad a deal: she gets a $1 mil signing bone-*** [no pun intended,]

no strings [no reference to dt's $60k {no typo} weave intended.]
2016-06-16 3:38 pm
Don't care if he does, Don't care if he doesn't. I'm not voting for First Lady.
2016-06-16 7:22 pm
I would guess he has had fewer women than Bill Clinton who WAS in the White House with that record.
2016-06-16 3:39 pm
Idk buy his son Barron trump is shhhhoooooooo cute ❤️

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