Something is wrong with my dog/something happened when I wasn't home.?

2016-06-16 6:10 am
I am a teenager and out of all my family members my dog prefers me and likes to sleep with me at night.

Tonight I came home from my friend's house and found my dog hiding behind my room divider. There wasn't much room to get through so she must have squeezed herself in there.

She was just hiding in the corner shaking/shivering. When she saw I was in the room she came out but she seems off to me. I think something is very wrong.

Right now she is laying in bed beside me and she seems so sad and not like her normal self.

I am so scared something is wrong with her what should I do? I told my parents but they don't think anything is wrong with her.

回答 (3)

2016-06-16 12:25 pm
Family dog, parents responsibility to take it to a vet, which is required by law, to provide vet care as needed in a timely fashion, otherwise they would be committing a felony punishable by fines/jail time.

No one, including a vet, can diagnose/treat the family dog without examining it, least of all YA.
2016-06-16 8:00 am
Well she seems spooked or could be sick? Monitor her poop and see if it's normal and if she is still eating/drinking water. Animals tend to hide when they get sick to stay away from "predictors" or enemies. Also not sure if there was some fireworks or loud noises that went off while you were away, but my old dog used to do the same thing. and she would hide and stay there even after the fireworks stopped.
2016-06-16 8:04 am
Could be she's noisy when left alone and a neighbour has banged on a wall/door!! Could be she's actually unwell in which case she needs a vet. It's up to the adults in your life to sort this out however.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:30:05
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