Has their ever been a cartoon villain that have you goosebumps?

2016-06-16 5:37 am
Mine would have to the loch from adventure time.

回答 (5)

2016-06-16 5:52 am
The Lich from Adventure Time is pretty creepy. Although I love that he's voiced by Ron Perlman.

Also, Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. The guy was terrifying, and he tried to murder a baby.
2016-06-16 5:41 am
When I was a kid I hated taking showers. I thought there was a monster under the drain.
2016-06-16 5:39 am
What a sissy! 😄
2016-06-16 5:38 am
Mumra from Thundercats.
2016-06-16 5:38 am
The mask from courage the cowardly dog

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