Help with international UPS shipping?

2016-06-16 4:28 am
So I m trying to send my own box (around 7in long and 6in wide and weighs like 2 pounds) from the USA to the Philippines, and I tried using their online rate calculator, even with FedEx as well, and the results are all over $100. But they all included 1-3 business days or 5-10 business days or whatever, but here s the thing-I don t really need it there that fast and I think that s what s making it so expensive. Aren t there any cheaper options (not USPS because I used it once like 3 months ago and it never arrived) for those companies?

回答 (3)

2016-06-16 6:43 pm
Send it surface mail from the US Post Office. If the Philippine postal workers don't steal it from the mail it will arrive in about 3 months. It should cost about $20.
2016-06-16 8:02 am
Try LBC. A 20" x 20' x 24' box with NO weight limit is only $75 (or less). However it will take 6 weeks to get here.
I have sent over 70 boxes for myself & others & never did have a problem.
You can add other things to send also.
You can find an LBC office near you by clicking on this website
2016-06-16 5:48 am

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