Do I have to pay tax?

2016-06-16 1:45 am
I am 18 years old and I go college 3 times a week. My friend and I work for the same agency however only I have PAYE tax deducted from my payment and my friend doesn't. And what is tax code BR?

回答 (3)

2016-06-16 5:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
BR means Basic Rate and means you have 20% tax deducted from every penny you earn. If this is your only job, this is clearly incorrect and your code should be 1100L, which gives you your personal allowance of £11,000 a year before paying tax. Or there may be something else to affect it but in any case it should be a number followed by L. Tell HMRC you think the code is wrong

If this is not your only job and you're getting your allowance in the code on another job, then BR is correct.
2016-06-16 12:48 pm
Wrong tax code - go to tax and read - you need to get your tax code corrected - this assumes you have no other employment.
2016-06-16 3:15 am
Ask local adults for actual info locally as it varies greatly

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