We can let women wear shorts that show their cracks but heaven forbid a fit guy wearing a speedo to the beach right?

2016-06-16 12:02 am

回答 (5)

2016-06-16 12:10 am
Speedo wearers are the trend setters.
2016-06-16 12:56 am
would rather see a hot woman's crack than some fat guys butt
2016-06-16 12:54 am
Spedos atr not an american staple. Gross to say the least. Cracks same thinf Gross and uncomfortable
2016-06-16 12:10 am
who is the preventing the fit men from wearing speedos
2016-06-16 12:03 am
I haven't been to the beach in forever. I don't know what people wear these days.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:03:34
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