Is this a crime?

2016-06-15 11:38 pm
I don't know if i did or not, but lets just say that i did. I broke the contract by having 3 cats in my apartment complex, but shouldn't the landlady just fine me or evict me rather than calling the animal shelter to come and get my cats? I feel like what she did was theft.

回答 (5)

2016-06-16 12:20 am
Sounds like a jerk.
Anyone can call Animal Control, but if you are caring for the cats properly nothing will happen IF 3 are allowed in a dwelling by municipal law.
( I understand your lease may say only 1)
2016-06-16 1:35 am
It's theft, animals are treated as property so it's the same as stealing your TV. Breaking a tenancy agreement does not mean you can be stolen from. The animal shelter are the actual thieves, call them and demand your property back
2016-06-16 1:52 pm
Most rental agreements have a clause about pets. But if you are tenant at will, the landlord has all the power. It seems to me you should be glad you weren't evicted, not worked up about cats.
2016-06-16 3:40 am
If animal control was ABLE to take the cats, they were outside. As such, they were STRAYS, not pets. You CONFIRM that by stating you don't even know if you broke the rules.
2016-06-15 11:43 pm
If it is in writing only 1 pet then yes you've broken a contract but unless the contract also says if you have more pets than stated we will be allowed to call animal control on your pets she broke the law too! They are your pets you should be given a decent amount of time to find a proper home for them so yea idk...what a *****!

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