Don t know what to tell mom. Help?!?

2016-06-15 10:42 pm
So my uncle lives in a different country to us and he often comes to visit which is really cool. So he s coming next month but problem is he s gonna be in a different city to us and naturally my mom wants to fly down to see them which would be great but I have a big clash...

I m going on a school trip out of the country for 10 days and she wants to leave the day after I arrive back. I m pretty sure the last thing I m gonna want is to be away from home more plus I m going to be exhausted and in need of rest. Also, my boyfriend is going to be away and I come back on my birthday and him a couple days after and it would be really cool to celebrate with him seeing as we won t even be able to chat for 10 days. And I mean I probably could manage with those two things except I have this massive school project due when I go back to school (a day after this proposed visit) and for that I need wifi and no distractions which ain t gonna happen.

What do you suggest I do? I m not allowed to stay home alone so that can t bean option but I could go to a friend. I just really don t know how to put it to my mom that I d rather be home without offending her or being the reason she can t see her brother....

回答 (3)

2016-06-15 11:26 pm
Questions like this are always hard to answer, because we've never met your mom and you live with her. Obviously you're the best judge of what she'd respond to.

For example, when I was a teen, I wouldnt have even bothered asking about it because family trips were mandatory. She thought it was important fornus to know our extended family.

If your mom isn't like that, you might have better luck. But if you want to stay with a friend, you'd better make sure that friend's mom would agree to it and alao talk to your mom about it.mmif your mom won't let you stay lane, she's not gong to be careless about the arrangements you make.

Just make sure it's worth all the trouble. If your mom or even uncle want to celebrate your birthday with you, this will win every time over a bf.
2016-06-15 11:12 pm
Do the project early so it will already be done when you return. Delay your birthday celebration with your boyfriend until you have more time.
If you are young enough to have a boyfriend and to be in school, you can bounce back faster than you think from a trip. Go to bed early and take it easy your first day back.
2016-06-15 10:56 pm
just tell your mom you got stuff to do for school and you will stay with your friend

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