So I was eating oatmeal for breakfast. I ate oatmeal raw with milk and banana. As I was eating it (half way done to finishing) I saw bugs.?

2016-06-15 9:19 pm
I basically just ate weevils. Am I going to die if I ate them? My parents say I'll be fine but I feel so grossed out and that they are crawling inside of my body. Just knowing that they are in my stomach is so gross. I don't know how many weevils I just ate. What if they are crawling up my throat. Please help, I'm thirteen and I don't know what to do. I have chills all over my body just writing this. 😷😩

回答 (19)

2016-06-17 3:15 am
Ull be fine sweetie its just protein and they are not posioness just next time look before u eat u will not die
2016-06-16 12:07 am
_Trust me we eat bugs in everything.
2016-06-15 9:33 pm
You won't die, you won't even get sick. They will die as soon as they hit the stomach acid. THIS is why you cook things!
2016-06-15 9:21 pm
They aren't living in your body. As soon as they hit your stomach acids they became just another source of protein. Don't worry, you will be fine. If you keep the oatmeal in the freezer in the future, you won't get bugs.
2016-06-17 2:46 am
protein rich oatmeal! you will be fine
2016-06-16 6:23 pm
No need to panic the acid in your stomach will kill any bugs,just make sure you keep your foodstuffs in date in future
2016-06-16 2:34 am
It seems very scarey but trust me, many people have eaten far worse bugs to survive. They won't hurt you as others have said. Usually it's from old foods so if it's been around for very long be sure to check it out before you eat it. You may be seeing bugs for a few days & nightmeyers but you too will live. As always a prayer is good. God bless you and remember one persons trash is another's treasure 😉😜😝
2016-06-16 2:18 pm
Sailors have been eating weevils in their hardtack (a hard biscuit made from flour, water, and sometimes salt) for hundreds of years with no ill effects.

I sometimes find them in my oatmeal, but just chuck it all in the pressure cooker with the meat and vegetables; delicious!

If oatmeal is kept in an airtight container, the weevils won't be able to get in.

The early pioneers sometimes used to eat fried locusts.
2016-06-15 9:22 pm
Omg, please calm down. Youll be fine. Take some metamucil to clean your system out, trust me, I know your uncomfortable, but youll be okay. And always check your food from now on. But just take metamucil. Hoped this helped ❤️
2016-06-20 1:14 am
Chill out, they're dead if they're in you.
2016-06-19 5:57 am
Nothing can live in your stomach for long at all. Not to worry - they are all dead by now. Many people eat insects all the time -- they are a good source of protein. We will be eating more insects soon. In fact, much of the manufactured (store bought) food has insects and parts in them. They can't keep them out. As long as you don't know about that, no one worries!
2016-06-17 7:06 pm
Nothing for you to worry about. Think of them as extra protein. In many parts of the world bugs are eaten as a delicacy. In a few years time we'll probably all be eating insects as they are such a good source, weight for weight, of protein. Years ago, food was contaminated with all manner of stuff, not just bugs. People still ate it and people still survived on it. Where I used to live, one lad and his dad started their own multi-million pound business selling bags of bugs for people to eat (as in the TV show, 'I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here'). Now, if celebrities can eat platefuls of bugs, live on TV, I'm certain a few weevils aren't going to do you any harm.

Oh, and they're not crawling anywhere. If you ate them, they'll be well and truly dead weevils by now.
2016-06-15 9:21 pm
no they will just pass throught your stomach as food. but it will taste nasty
2016-06-15 9:21 pm
That's weird bro...
2016-06-27 7:31 pm
Bugs are just food. Gross food, but just food. Think lobster, crab, shrimp. Bugs of the sea. You're fine,

Do cook that oatmeal, though. Humans do not have the same type of digestive system as cows or horses. Ours is not good at digesting raw grain. It's not actually bad for you to eat raw oatmeal but it is much less nutritious raw.
2016-06-22 4:53 pm
My Mom did too years ago-- LOL she's fine & you will be too like many said just extra protein!....In mother earth news years ago there was a story on how nutritious most bugs are...just saying...LOL all is good!
2016-06-17 9:16 pm
_trust me we eat bugs in everything...
2016-06-17 5:36 pm
There's acid in your stomach that will kill the bugs straight away, don't worry!
2016-06-17 4:42 am
Don't worry, they won't hurt you. They'll pass through your system naturally. It happened to me before 😱😱😱
2016-06-16 5:48 am
Ingesting a weevil won't even make you feel sick. In fact, if you hadn't seen them in your oatmeal, you wouldn't have been aware that you were "eating" any.
As soon as you swallowed the weevils, they entered your digestive tract, and your stomach acids immediately killed all the little weevils.

Just out of curiosity: Why were you eating RAW oatmeal? THAT could give you a big-time stomach ache.
參考: BIL is an M.D.

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