
2016-06-15 5:52 pm

回答 (3)

2016-06-15 6:12 pm
Try asking a QUESTION if you really need an answer.
2016-06-15 6:18 pm
(-4,-14) and (-22,9)

Distance between the two points
= √{[-4 - (-22)]² + (-14 - 9)²}
= √{[-4 + 22]² + (-14 - 9)²}
= √853

Equation of the line joining the two points :
[y - (-14)]/[x - (-4)] = [9 - (-14)]/[-22 - (-4)]
(y + 14)/(x + 4) = (9 + 14)/(-22 + 4)
(y + 14)/(x + 4) = -23/18
18(y + 14) = -23(x + 4)
18y + 252 = -23x - 92
23x + 18y + 344 = 0
2016-06-15 7:29 pm
This isn't a question, cretin.

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