i looked at the side of my right big toe and i noticed a lump. Like a pimple. But its not a pimple and its white, what do u think it is?

2016-06-15 3:30 pm

im scared as f

回答 (3)

2016-06-15 3:32 pm
Probably a callous. If its hard and near a place where your toes rub it can be a callous or a corn. They sell soft pads to reduce the rubbing and get rid of it.
2016-06-22 10:11 am
Cure Your Acne Holistically : http://Acne.iukiy.com/?hWrs
2016-06-15 3:39 pm
It could be a lot of things - blister, callous, corn, ganglion cyst. You will want to see a podiatrist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Good luck!

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 19:04:06
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