Poll: is it ok for a 27 year old guy to date a 19 year old girl?

2016-06-15 5:53 am

回答 (7)

2016-06-15 6:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
You're both at the age of consent, so i don't see why not.
2016-06-15 5:59 am
Yes but in most cases it won't last long. There's a world of difference between those ages.
2016-06-15 5:57 am
2016-06-15 5:57 am
Not at all.
2016-06-15 5:56 am
2016-06-15 6:15 am
Depends on what the intentions are
2016-06-15 6:02 am
if you like each other you dont care what others think and to say you are at different stages in life is ridiculous

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