Painful Initiation for a Vampire Story?

2016-06-15 5:02 am
I'm writing a vampire story and to become a vampire you have to go through a painful initiation.
Any ideas?

回答 (3)

2016-06-15 5:06 am
Hmmm. The most painful thing I can imagine is having your child killed in front of you. Worst might be the bible tale of having to kill your own child I suppose.
2016-06-15 5:13 am
The way to become a vampire is the sire almost completely trains the person of blood, till they are about to die, then they have to drink the vampires blood and they keep drinking each others blood in a gross kind of blood drinking make out session. Then you sleep for 24 hours to rise again into the darkness to haunt the night!
2016-06-15 2:24 pm
watch collected speeches of Donald Trump. As he never considers what he says, before or after, he could be considered a vampire: no reflection

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