Is there a animal lawyer or a landlord/tenant lawyer on here ? I have a question...?

2016-06-15 2:39 am
So today, I got a knock at my door. It was the lady who owns the apartment complex I live in. She came with animal control and took my 3 cats away and sent them to the animal shelter. I didn't know what my rights were so i didn't say anything or really do anything.. I just let her take them and im really mad about that. She's been telling me to get rid of the cats for about 2 months. I didn't because we were soon suppose to be moving from this complex but something happen and we can't get the house so now we have to search for a new house and the process of getting a house takes long where I live (Like 2 months). I was just wondering if she is allowed to just come in here and force me to put my cats in a cage and take them away.. I kinda feel like she was suppose to fine me or atleast give me time to move. What do you guys think?

回答 (7)

2016-06-15 3:10 am
We don't know where you are in the world. It's a landlord-tenant issue.

It sounds like you were given proper notice for over two months. If you didn't fix the problem in that time, you're lucky she didn't outright evict you.

You essentially were in violation of your lease and didn't fix it. If you didn't fix it, she had every right to.

However, we have no idea how you managed to even get them there in the first place. That normally would be addressed in your lease.
2016-06-15 2:45 am
First, I assume that there is a no pets clause in the lease. So the cats were there illegally on HER property. Consider it a favor that all she did was remove the cats. She could have given you notice to move out or had you evicted, regardless of your house seeking process. The lease is a contract which you violated.
2016-06-15 4:26 am
Read your agreement, then talk to her. The landlady probably has a lease contract with you that gives her the right to remove tenants' animals from her property. Otherwise, no one has a right to your property even if you are in a civil disagreement involving your property. The landlady is just smart and knows how to deal with tenants. Now, animal control is going to kill your cats if you don't get to the pound and save them. You need to get smarter.
2016-06-15 3:47 am
She does not have to give you any time at all. You were not supposed to have the cats. You violated your lease and she could have evicted you too. You said she had been telling you for two months to get rid of them. How is it that you don 't think she gave you enough time?
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Landlord & Tenant law experience.
2016-06-15 2:50 am
Um, you had 2 MONTHS. No, she couldn't really do that, however because you let them come in and take them, you will have a heck of a time getting them back. You relinquished them to animal control.
2016-06-15 2:46 am
Well if she clearly and directly stated her pet policy, than I mean, her house, her rules she can do whatever she wants. If she DIDN'T tell you, than no she can't just do that.
2016-06-15 2:48 am
Well as far as I know they have to give you 24 hours notice except for a emergency before they enter your apartment for any.

I would sue her for illegal entry or try use that as a legal way to break your lease and say she was harassing you because she did not give you notice. Also was no pets in writing on the lease?

You don't have to let people in in most instances there are a few exceptions. Watch some videos online about your rights there are several good ones which as so easy to find I am not linking them.

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