can the tenant make you get up out of the bed while they are expecting the apartment?

2016-06-15 2:22 am

I meant inspecting, not expecting hehe. sorry.

回答 (5)

2016-06-15 2:38 am
Why are tenants inspecting the apartment?
Do you mean prospective tenant?
Do you mean landlord?
2016-06-15 3:05 am
No. If the tenant wants to inspect it, fine. You are under no obligation.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Landlord & Tenant law experience.
2016-06-15 9:43 pm
The way you said it makes no sense. You mean can the landlord make the tenant get out of bed during an inspection? No they cannot. The tenant is not even required to be present.
2016-06-15 2:29 am
2016-06-15 2:26 am
No, I would be mad if my tenants did that and not renew their lease.

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