anxiety always worried!!?

2016-06-14 9:36 am
I'm going to the doctors tonight but i think i have health anxiety! as soon as i get pain i think it's cancer! I've had a cough for months been to doctors and had a chest xray all clear! now i have shoulder pain and I'm convinced it's linked! I've been working out and people have noticed i've lost weight so now i keep thinking i defo have cancer coz i've lost weight even tho i've been working out!. But i still have my cough, shoulder pain!. I do sit at a desk and have really bad posture and i do have hayfever!! I also have to clear my throat all the time!.Could this all be in my heaD?

回答 (5)

2016-06-14 1:42 pm
I have the exact same thing, I always think the worst. It could be in your head but then again, it could not. I always think that it's better to be safe than sorry.

But to me you do sound like a but of a hypochondriac but I am too. I guess it's just normal.
2016-06-14 10:41 am
Prudent* to see a general surgeon*/ NO INSURANCE MEANS YOU MAY CONSULT A local homeopath [for less costs]/dermatologist for physical examination, relevant investigations, accurate diagnosis and permanent cure by medication and or surgical interference.
Because, in all chronic issues with complicated & confusing symptoms-involving many organs, I prefer a General Surgeon, who shall be accurate in arriving at the right diagnosis by pin-pointing the affected organ[s]/tissues and ensures fast relief with surgical interference.

Much before the advent of super-specialties like nuero/pediatric/cardiac/renal/gynec/brai... gastro-enterology, oncology, and ENT etc., all these surgeries were conducted by general surgeons. Hence, a Surgeon’s approach is most appropriate and accurate. A good surgeon suggests cheapest and accurate diagnostic investigations only to ensure permanent cure.
Whereas, for all acute problems/issues, a physician hits the symptoms/diseases with say, 10 stones/medicines with the hope that a few stones may hit with dramatic relief. But, it does work in many cases & with ‘no side effects’.
Cancer Fear Psychosis*:
“An Empty Brain is Devil’s Workshop”
you're not, what you are!
you're not , what I say you are!
you're not , what others say you are!
It must be disproved with real knowledge of cancer. Details follow-----------------
Every visitor should come out of "Cancer-Fear-Psychosis" by studying and discussing with others. None gets cancer overnight. Malignancy develops over years. Details follow----
Carcinophobia/Lymphomaphobia: Fear of Cancer--Please, note that none gets cancer overnight. It takes years to develop any cancer/tumor. The main problem with the most of "You" youngsters is that you people are either dynamic or genius or intelligent or shrewd and sharp intellectuals. The TV channels & Internet are instrumental to ‘YOU’ that it is a fashion to start worrying about ‘CANCER’ for each & every symptom. It is very bad & agonizing trend which is totally wrong.
You people start worrying with half or no knowledge. However, Yahoo Answers blog is an "oasis" in the desert of confusion and worry & the blog became a “safe sanctuary” for the poor, middle class & the gullible patients all over the globe. People with carcinophobia or cancer phobia live with an irrational dread of developing cancer. Every bodily discomfort becomes a sign for them that they have a malignant growth somewhere inside. A headache, for instance, is a sign for them that they have a brain tumor. A cyst/an enlarged lymph node, for instance, is a sign for them that they have lymphoma cancer. A cyst/an abscess/menses linked pustule on breast/armpit is taken as breast cancer. Mouth/gingivitis is taken as oral cancer. A mole on the body is apprehended as melanoma. Just because you have lymph nodes doesn't mean you have lymphoma just like having ovaries doesn't mean you have ovarian cancer.

Just, wheezing, chest pain and shortness of breath is taken as lung cancer, etc. Any rash/mole on the body is taken as /melanoma/skin cancer. A boil/cyst/pustule/abscess in any part of the body is apprehended as cancer. Pain in testicle[s]/ovary [ies] is perceived as testicular/ovarian cancer. Chronic constipation/thin stools is taken as colon cancer; so on...............Cognitive therapy can help someone with carcinophobia regain control of their
Nothing to fear for any disease be it bacterial, viral, auto-immune disorder, allergy. Hyper-sensitivity, cancer, HIV/AIDS, etc., —an offshoot of bad diet[s] & or genetic disorder[s]. IBS, irregular menses, brain & spinal cord affected disorders and also many other most dreaded diseases.
Any cancer/dreaded disease is curable, if diagnosed early. Acupressure techniques ensure instant diagnosis of any cancer, subject to confirmation by US/MRI/CT/PET Scans and Biopsy after one year.

Any Cancer, lupus, HIV/AIDS, Kaposi’s Sarcoma, etc., —Common Signs & Symptoms:
Sudden loss of weight/stamina, anemia, unbearable pains in any organ despite medication, neuralgia, FATIGUE-getting extremely tired for a little or no work, loss of appetite, unhealed wound in any part of the body for years together, chronic constipation, chronic hemorrhages, haemoptysis, nagging cough, full bloated feeling, small, bean-shaped glands in your neck, armpits, and other places , painless in testes, etc. Cancer may affect from any organ to any organ[s]/system[s].

‘No Cancer’ can ever hit suddenly. It takes years of suffering with unhealed wounds/injuries.
2016-06-14 9:51 am
Total Health Anxiety. Perhaps you should speak to him about THAT.
Working out leads to weight loss...
If you still have a cough and shoulder pain, mention it when you get there.
Your bad posture has a lot to do with your shoulder pain....your cough could be simple allergies, due to the fact you have been coughing for months. VERY Common.
Hay fever...There is your answer. (Even "I" can be a doctor by your description)
Clearing your throat all the time is Post Nasal Drip, my friend. I have had it for nearly 40 years....
Yes, it's all in your head.
Ask yourself one question dear: "What happens if I live to be 100 years old with nothing more than a cold or flu? Where would all this senseless worrying get me?"
Your answer: NOWHERE.
2016-06-14 9:42 am
If u keep putting ! After every illness u have folk will think ur a hypochondriac! calm the fk down...

No idea why ur coughin...ur shoulder pain could be caused by ur fits of coughin we don't need medication for ur aniexty tho That's first thing u for worryin about cancer...if in doubt get a second opinion if u aren't happy with the first ok...Losing weight could be u workin out could also be from the anxiety...probably causin the shoulder pain as well...
2016-06-14 9:36 am

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