Hawaii Vs Florida?

2016-06-14 3:49 am
Which is best for the summer season?

回答 (6)

2016-06-16 8:18 pm
Hawaii. The trade winds keep Hawaii a bit cooler in the summer time.
2016-06-16 4:33 am
Hawaii. Florida in summer is hot and sticky. Hawaii is perfect warm but not hot weather year around. And lower humidity in most areas than Florida.
2016-06-14 3:50 am
Hawaii. Florida is built on ground that 'washes away'.
2016-06-28 1:45 am
Hawaii. FL beaches are dirty
2016-06-20 4:21 am
According to my point of view Florida is a best for the summer season. I also spent really awesome time there with my friends during my summer holidays.
2016-06-14 4:09 am
Florida is fine

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