Are your pets spayed and neutered ?

2016-06-14 1:26 am

回答 (35)

2016-06-14 1:27 am
Yes. Everyone one of them. I am a responsible pet owner and rescue animals off the street. Spay and neuter is the answer to unwanted overpopulation.
2016-06-14 9:48 pm
Of course. Unless you're a breeder, you should always fix your cats.
2016-06-14 1:27 am
Yes, it is the humane thing to do.
2016-06-14 3:06 am
Not any of the dogs. I have come around to where I may someday spay a female but I ill never, ever castrate a male.It just ruins them as well as making them prone to illnesses and disorders. My chow chows aren't spayed simply because chows chows have a nasty tendency not to wake up from anesthesia. lost my favorite chow to a simple entropian surgery. It just isn't worth it. So they don't have tubal ligations either although I heard today that my neighbor had her newfie have a tubal under local at the University. But those are huge calm dogs. All the cats are neutered.
2016-06-14 10:20 pm
For the most part yes, we only have cats but we still have a new girl that needs to get fixed.
2016-06-14 4:22 am
All but Tom. He seems to be really old, but I'd still like to get him done just because it made all the other cats so much happier.
2016-06-14 3:59 am
I have 2 females. About two years ago one developed a serious uterus infection and she almost died and I had to have it removed. I quickly removed the uterus of the other female to make sure she did not get the same problem
2016-06-14 3:41 am
YES, I have 3 cats (all female) spayed. In the past both the males I had were neutered (both deceased) also my area had a population explosion of cats, so I barrowed 2 human traps. In one month I worked with a local agency to catch, spay/neuter, and rabies vaccinate 15 feral cats. All did well.
2016-06-14 1:29 am
Yes. And all the ones we have had over the years have been too.
2016-06-16 1:50 pm
Both of my dogs, 4/9 of my cats (five are just eight weeks old).
2016-06-15 1:13 am
Yep. It's always a good idea to spay and neuter before you end up with tons of puppies, kittens, or anything other animal.
2016-06-14 8:12 pm
None. I don't like fixing my animals. If you can't handle an unaltered animal, you shouldn't own one.
2016-06-14 4:55 am
yes ALL of them.
2016-06-16 8:46 pm
2016-06-16 5:59 pm
I have a snowshoe cat (half Siamese, half tabby) with blue eyes, a fluffy ginger boy kitty as soft as a chinchilla, and a purebred West Highland White Terrier, all are fixed. I give their descriptions because lots of people have asked me why I got them fixed instead of breeding them because they're so beautiful I'd easily sell the babies, and my answer is because I'm inexperienced and trial-and-error is not the way to go when lives are at stake. (BTW, I got the Westie from a couple who just didn't spay their dogs fast enough! They said it was much easier then they thought so maybe, if I were to do it, at least I'd have a good mentor - my dog's first family!
2016-06-15 4:24 pm
of course - my 3 cat girls are
2016-06-15 8:44 am
Yeah. Except for the chickens XD
2016-06-15 5:22 am
2016-06-15 7:05 pm
My cat is, but my puppy is too young yet, she'll be done in another 2 months.
2016-06-15 6:37 pm
2016-06-15 12:52 pm
No, why would I want to stop something that is natural?
2016-06-15 12:15 am
2016-06-14 3:30 pm
I have purebred show cats. Not all are spayed/neutered, but the kittens will be spayed/neutered before they leave my home.
2016-06-14 4:49 pm
2016-06-14 2:53 am
Cats yes, dogs no.
2016-11-16 11:05 pm
yeah... and all the ones we have had over the years have been too...
2016-10-29 10:12 pm
yeah... and all the ones we have had over the years have been too...
2016-06-18 7:52 am
No because I believe they should be free
2016-06-17 5:21 am
Yes, all mine are and I do TNR.
2016-06-17 12:25 am
2 Shih Tzu's YES.
2016-06-16 1:49 pm
Yes. All my cats have just been castrated.
2016-06-16 1:10 am
both of my male cats are spayed and it's so nice not having to deal with them spraying everywhere
2016-06-15 11:38 pm
Yes, except for the ducks and the chickens. I don't have a rooster and we eat the duck eggs.
2016-06-15 11:35 pm
Only because my cats were siblings.

the dog, my mom pushed it on me.
2016-06-15 7:13 am
Yes, all of them
2016-06-14 5:31 pm
Yes, always. Unless you are showing your animal or are a RESPONSIBLE breeder (working toward the betterment of the breed, not just for profit and to make cute puppies/kittens), you should be responsible and spay and neuter your animals. Too many animals end up euthanized and veterinary care for pregnant animals and newborns is expensive.

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