If a girl rejects you does it mean you're ugly?

2016-06-13 11:54 pm

回答 (309)

2016-06-14 12:26 am
could be many reasons..

1. it could be you're ugly
2. she thinks you're an idiot
3. she thinks you're a smartass
4. she's not confident enough to be with you
5. her family hates you.
6. your family hates her
7. she dated your younger brother
8. she dated your older brother
9. she dated your best friend
10. you're broke
11. she's dating someone else and is serious about him.

2016-06-14 1:15 am
No. There are many reasons.Usually a girl rejects a guy when she isnt
interested in the first place. You have to look for a girl who looks at you and smiles at you it means she is interested for sure.Some girls might just stare at you.They are interested in you too. That also means that girls who arent interested in you wont look at you.If a girl doesnt look at you dont waste her time.Keep looking.Always move on without hesitation.

Another reason why girls reject a guy is because of your approach.If you get it wrong in any way you will put off a girl even if she is interested in you.

If a girl already has a boyfriend or seeing someone then it shows she is
devoted so move on straight away.It doesnt mean you did anything wrong it means she doesnt want to date other guys. A girl who is devoted like that is a great girl to have.It means if you are in a relationship with a girl and you look after her and treat her right she isnt likely to cheat on you.

Every experience is a learning experience.
2016-06-13 11:59 pm
No. She might have someone. We girls are usually nicer not to hurt people's feelings. We are more sensitive. x
2016-06-14 12:05 am
No they just don't like you that way
Eventually the right girl will come
2016-06-13 11:56 pm
I don't care if anyone rejects me
2016-06-13 11:57 pm
No, it means they don't like you or THEY think you're ugly.
Doesn't mean you're actually ugly...it's just their opinion.
2016-06-14 12:12 am
It could be a reason. Or you're not her type and it could be possible that she's already in a relationship.
2016-06-13 11:56 pm
means she's a stuck up b*tch
2016-06-14 4:43 am
Nah, it just means that they are a cold-hearted ***** that didn't deserve you in the first place.
2016-06-13 11:56 pm
No, maybe she's married or a lesbian.
2016-06-14 2:38 am
Usually that is not the reason. Most often, girls reject guys and guys reject girls for that matter just because they aren't interested in them or don't like them back.
2016-06-14 12:00 am
Its more likely to be your personality, girls are less vain than guys
2016-06-15 1:51 am
That, or
You think your personal preferences are universal truths
You smoke and she doesn't
The reverse of the above
You don't drink fine varietal wine and she does
The reverse of the above
You are Muslim and she isn't
You are Jewish and she isn't
You are Christian and she isn't
You chew with your mouth open
You don't turn your cell phone off at meal times
You talk with your mouth full
You are mean to puppies or kittens or children or waiters
You use foul language
You never read a book of poetry
You can't come up with a decent koan when prodded
Your idea of a great date is trying to convince her to take off her bra
You think Brock Turner got a raw deal
You think your particular denomination is the One True Path and all others are mislead by Satan
You never put your feet up on the coffee table and she always does
The reverse of the above
You judge people by how expensive their clothes/cars/watches are, and she doesn't
The reverse of the above
Your ultimate goal in life is a job that pays $10 per hour and has dental insurance

I could go on, but - ladies don't judge by looks alone. Bill Gates and Walter Matthau were both extremely attractive, for different reasons, Bill is now married and Walter is now dead, but they both needed clubs to keep the women at bay, and neither would have gotten past the gate at an open call for models at the Abercrombie and Fitch HQ.
2016-06-14 4:28 am
No. It's multiple reasons why. Don't think the worst one
2016-06-15 12:53 am
No. There are many reasons for a girl to reject a guy. And btw, even if you are ugly in her eyes, doesn't mean u r ugly in general. We can't appeal to everyone & that doesn't mean that sth is wrong with you or the way you look ;) wish you find that someone who will appreciate you for you :)
2016-06-14 2:12 pm
it means someone more better will come to your life and belivel it its her loose not yours. don t find anyone and never go and ask any girl would be my girlfriend change your thinking and everything will change
2016-06-14 11:42 am
No. I've seen girls reject good-looking guys!
2016-06-14 8:06 am
Girls reject guys for a number of reasons. You could be an Addis, but not her type. She could be taken, or not interested in dating. She could be a lesbian. Don't take it personally and find a girl that likes you for you.
2016-06-14 7:27 am
No, not necessarily.
2016-06-14 4:32 am
I reject a guy i had met a few weeks ago and the reason i rejected him was because i was afraid that his inattentions i still like him and think about him alot but some girls are afraid of just being use for sex not because of your looks is because she's scared of getting hurt by you.
2016-06-14 3:30 am
no, it does not mean you're ugly. it means she didn't feel a connection. or she's not ready for a boyfriend/girlfriend at the moment. It has nothing to do with your looks and if it does, you should find a new girl.
2016-06-14 12:47 am
Just that shes not intrested
2016-06-14 12:09 am
No, it just means that you are not the guy for her.
2016-06-14 7:21 pm
I'm a guy, and I'm nobody's type. I'd be better off staying single. I'm so afraid of being rejected that I can't ask a girl out at all. And I'll never date another man. That's just plain nasty. I don't approve of homosexuality.

And my older brother told me when I was 12 that no girl would ever like me because I was ugly, fat, and stupid. And I believed him.

And being picked on all my life and being made an outcast has caused me to be antisocial. And I'm also a loner because of this. And I'm shy/withdrawn unless I'm around someone I know real well.
參考: The reason I can't ask a girl out is because I'm scared, so I won't even try.
2016-06-14 4:40 am
answer mien
2016-06-14 4:46 am
no it means you should rape her.
2016-06-18 8:38 am
means you are not attractive to her
2016-06-17 12:43 pm
Yes, everybody hates you because you are ugly. We will all always reject you because we want you to suffer.
2016-06-16 11:22 pm
No just not her type or she may feel ugly herself
2016-06-16 5:04 am
It could mean she's devoid of social affinity or is even asexual. I come across a lot of young women who just seem to be living and breathing, and aren't interested in much of anything except continuing to breathe, eat, drink, piss, sh!t and sleep!
2016-06-16 12:39 am
Bro.... girls themselves are confused. They don't know what they want. They desire perfection though, so if you're not Justin Bieber (for 10 - 15 year olds), or One of the Hemsworth Brothers (17 and above) mashed up with the IQ of Dylan O'Brien, then she'll surely leave you if someone closer to such a person comes along, so instead of crushing you later on, they just crush you right there by rejecting you!!
2016-06-15 8:52 pm
No you are not ugly. Don't ever think that we live in a world full of hate and don't think or one minute that this is the only reason. I have turned down guys because I didn't want to ruin a friendship with that person. And in the end I decided to give it a chance and guess what we are no longer friends. Yes some times things work out but in my case I lost a friend. Maybe that is the case I don't know you but in my experience this happened to me. Even if you aren't the next top model if someone loves you it won't matter what you look like. Think of you and how you feel about yourself and don't let outside influences get to you, yes they hurt but only you know what you can do and accomplish.
2016-06-15 8:09 pm
No it just means you aren't her type
2016-06-15 6:40 pm
No, it just means she's not interested in you. Insecure much???
2016-06-15 6:18 pm
No way. Once I rejected a guy even though I thought he was a great person. I was not attracted to him. It doesn't mean he was ugly, I just felt no romantic connection. Keep on searching. Don't worry!
2016-06-15 4:43 pm
2016-06-15 3:14 pm
There could be thousands of different reasons for being rejected. If you are going by looks, it just means that SHE is not attracted to you. It doesn't mean you are ugly and that other girls won't find you attractive.
2016-06-15 12:35 pm
she dont deserve you . there r many more to come
2016-06-15 12:02 pm
Well coming from a guys prospective, I've rejected women who were physically attractive but characteristically weren't. Often it was because her and I didn't see eye to eye on things, we didn't have much in common, or she only just found me physically attractive and thats all she was interested in. So no if somebody rejects you it's not always because you're ugly.
2016-06-15 11:16 am
No. It means that you and her was not meant to be. Plenty more fish in the sea. Also, ugliness is subjective.
2016-06-15 5:19 am
Quick answer, NO...
Explanations not needed, we can all go on with a list of why, do and don't, and next thing you know, you'll be posting "What did I do wrong?" or "What do I lack?" and so on...
Be yourself, never stop improving your technical, intellectual, blah blah blah skills and stop thinking about why didn't she accept me, am I not better than that dude, what if she thinks I'm not up to standards, and so on... Socialize more, go for a short trip, be happy, chill, I assure you, you will definitely meet some girls that appreciates you...
2016-06-15 4:47 am
Not at all, it could be a personal thing like maybe she liked someone else and it didn't go well
A lot of women struggle with insecurities that could make them immediately reject even the most attractive guy
Don't take it too personal
2016-06-15 3:19 am
Not necessarily
2016-06-15 2:37 am
No, it just means that whoever she wants, it is not you.
2016-06-15 1:37 am
NO it just means she's not interested in you perhaps because she already has somebody or she is not interested to get involved in a relationship.
2016-06-15 1:27 am
Only to her.
2016-06-15 1:10 am
Not at all. Consider yourself lucky, she may be shallow.
2016-06-15 12:58 am
No, it means that she's not into you.
2016-06-15 12:33 am
No it's because she doesn't have eyes for you.
Your not her type. That doesn't any less or more attractive, it just means you too aren't compatible
2016-06-15 12:22 am
There are hundreds of reasons to being rejected.
2016-06-14 10:37 pm
Not necessarily. It could one of several reasons. Rejection is hard. I've been through it and know it hurts But look at it this way. There is always another few girls for that one.
2016-06-14 10:24 pm
Maybe she's not attracted to you because of your looks but it might be something else that turns her off and your just not her type let it be and move on.
2016-06-14 9:47 pm
Not neccesarily...it just means she doesn't want u for various reason.
2016-06-14 9:29 pm
1-you're broke
3-she's dating someone hotter
(jk don't kill me)
2016-06-14 8:54 pm
There are a ton of reasons
2016-06-14 6:52 pm
1. You might be handsome, but not her body type or coloring.
2. She might have another man she loves.
3. She could be a lesbian.
4. She might be turned off by your personality.

Many possible factors.
2016-06-14 6:15 pm
It doesn't necessarily mean that you are ugly. Though this girl may find you unattractive. She may also not like your personality. Or she just doesn't want to be in a relationship or whatever.
2016-06-14 5:13 pm
2016-06-14 4:15 pm
No i can do that on very beautiful men it just means that i am not ready for what they are
2016-06-14 1:55 pm
Possibly, the worst thing would be if she finds you boring. If she just funds you ugly, but thinks you're a great guy that's fantastic.
2016-06-14 9:49 am
It could indeed be that. I don't mean to be cold but girls tend to be focused on looks primarily so if they are not attracted to you physically there is not much you can do.
2016-06-14 9:27 am
Means, I am too awesome for her.
2016-06-14 9:23 am
No, maybe she liked someone else. Or maybe you're not her type. But girls don't reject guys just because they're ugly. :)
2016-06-14 4:43 am
No it means they don't like you but I'm sure you'll find ur perfect half. I promise.
2016-06-14 3:48 am
No, there are many resons why she said no. Don't give up. Ask others out.
2016-06-14 3:45 am
2016-06-14 1:51 am
It means that she is not interested in you. Your looks might be a reason, but then again, they might not.
2016-06-14 12:05 am
No, it could be many other reasons why she rejected you.It might not have anything to do with how you look.
2016-06-13 11:58 pm
2016-06-15 6:55 pm
She probably had sex with several of your family members and needs to invade another family tree
2016-06-15 2:02 pm
Most likely. A lot of ppl ik are ugly.
2016-06-15 1:32 pm
2016-06-14 8:24 pm
No it means that the girl isn't interested in you or she is just plain shallow.
2016-06-14 4:33 pm
No. She might already be into someone else so she's emotionally not available. Just look at it this way, if you were her boyfriend would you want her being interested in other men? probably not. no matter how attractive or nice the other guys are. it means she's a good person and loyal.
2016-06-14 1:29 pm
No it doesn't. A girl rejects you because she is probably seeing some other guy. She has to devote her attention to him. If she is not, she probably isn't interested in you. You could just be friends with her.
2016-06-14 7:22 am
No. Do you feel attracted to every girl you know?
2016-06-14 8:09 pm
It means that she wants to love you in a different way than you want yourself to be loved. It's nothing but a contradiction of the way of love but love is there and you have to feel it, understand it and respect it.
2016-06-15 12:53 am
2016-06-14 12:28 am
Either that or you are gross.
2017-01-10 1:25 am
no, it means they don't like you or they think you're ugly...
doesn't mean you're actually ugly.........it's just their opinion...
2016-09-04 6:29 pm
maybe you're just not her type
just like she would not be some other guy's type
everyone looks for dif things in someone
2016-06-22 7:03 am
Most likely not! It may be the case, but many times, when a girl rejects you, it's because they are uncomfortable with the situation or they just aren't interested. Don't feel bad! Just try someone else.
2016-06-20 11:46 pm
Look, she might think you're ugly and you have to realize some hard truths in order to grow in life.
1. Some people are going to think you're ugly.
2. Other people are going to be bettter at things than you are sometimes, and that is just how it is.
3. Your girl might leave you for another person, and you will have to move on and find peace.

But you must realize also that there will people who think you're handsome and gorgeous and all of those special things that make you light up when you hear them! There are also going to be things YOU are better at than other people, and you should make that little light shine!

Life sucks sometimes, but it can also be beautiful. It is YOUR choice how life is. How YOU react to life's events and boulders thrown at you, shows how YOU view the world. Don't be a victim, be a victor!

But in all honesty, she could just not be interested in you (not for your looks but maybe something else). It is NOT the end of the world when someone you have a crush on does not like you, believe me. I'm only 22, but I've had some very crazy life experiences that have taught me to be thankful for what I do have and not dread about what I don't... :) Good luck.
2016-06-19 8:01 pm
No it means she just stupid doesn't know what she wants. When she goes with someone that doesn't want her she would come back to you and say "I'm sorry" that's when you need to grow some balls and tell her "swerve you loss !" be a man or whatever you are. Your worth it.
2016-06-19 7:43 am
If you think so then be happy of that rejection.If it's your appearance that mattered to her then no use of worrying about such girl...Because it doesn't matter to her how good your qualities are...Don't just go in search of a body...go in search of a soul...Or else you will end up in rejection after sometime being already accepted...????
2016-06-18 11:41 pm
In this case, the term rejected is way to harsh. I would say, she said "no". Thats OK... Rejection implies being injected, or taken in then, being taken out, You need to be in a relationship before the term rejected is used.
2016-06-18 11:14 pm
Could be your personality etc u could just ask for peace of mind why did u reject me . Then ul know whether u can change it ;-)
2016-06-18 9:25 pm
2016-06-18 8:06 pm
Yes you definitely must be ugly
2016-06-18 8:06 pm
No. Some girls are too shy to respond. She might just say no because she doesn't know how to say yes.
2016-06-18 7:56 pm
No it could be she's just not interested or already in a relationship. You could be a really cute guy with an awesome personality. It depends on which girls you ask, and when you do it.
2016-06-18 7:13 pm
No. There are many many reason she could reject you and that's probably farther down on the list than most. When I have rejected people it was because they weren't my type (I have a very specific type and few men fit it and it doesn't have much to do with looks) and also, looks and ugliness are subjective. really. beauty is in the eye of the beholder. keep lookin ....
2016-06-18 6:21 pm
No,but it feels that way specially nowdays
2016-06-18 5:03 pm
No, she just enjoys mind games.
2016-06-18 2:33 pm
No it just means she doesn't feel the same way about you. Have confidence in yourself!
2016-06-18 12:17 pm
Is this you you p? ????
2016-06-18 11:48 am
If you do such impertinent things ,perhaps you are.it depends what is your intention.the fact a man looks like Apolon,doesn n imply an obligayion of the girls to worship him,as log as Gods requests are to stau virgin until they marry.
2016-06-18 11:32 am
maybe you're just not her type
just like she would not be some other guy's type
everyone looks for dif things in someone
2016-06-18 11:15 am
Not at all. In fact, I'd bang your brains out even if you weren't the best looking(;
2016-06-18 10:05 am
It just usually means that she thinks your annoying as a person and not her type.... nothing to do with your looks
參考: Personal opinion
2016-06-18 10:03 am
No, dont worry. There are alot of reasons why but if it ever gets suspicious it could be her playing hard to get
2016-06-18 8:41 am
may ne she is ugly
2016-06-18 8:06 am
Not at all. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - what is deemed as 'unattractive' to one person, may be attractive to another. What's meant to be will be, maybe she rejects you bcos there is some better coming your way?

Btw, can anyone help me with my most recent question?? X
2016-06-18 7:01 am
2016-06-18 5:56 am
Not always.
2016-06-18 4:26 am
definitely not
2016-06-18 3:54 am
No, it means that she is ugly.
2016-06-18 3:52 am
Could be because you're ugly, maybe she already has a bf, maybe she has plans with another guy, you smell, you have bad breath, it can mean anything! :D
2016-06-18 3:07 am
No...not really...

-Could be your car
-Could be your job
-Could be your home

-Could be what you make hourly
-Could be your weight
-Could be your height
-Could be your build-Could be your taste in clothing

You make it past these things were crossing into darker territory...even if you have little in common with them.Because now were talking about changing you to fit her emotional needs.Sports,hobbies,taste in food,religion,cultural views,family drama,etc.Things you can get sucked into or shunned from your enjoyment...to make her happy.Like training a dog.
2016-06-18 1:11 am
No, may be you are her kinda guy lol.
2016-06-18 1:01 am
Nope never think like that even one has their own looks
2016-06-17 11:56 pm
as changing said it could be that she THINKS you're ugly,not necessarily you are
2016-06-17 11:35 pm
No there could be other reasons
2016-06-17 11:00 pm
2016-06-17 10:09 pm
No. I'm a girl and I've rejected tuns of guys based mostly on me being nervous.
2016-06-17 9:46 pm
if a guy rejects me I don't give a f$ck shrug it off and move on someone will like you
2016-06-17 9:32 pm
A girl rejecting you does not mean you are ugly. Women have more detailed reasons. Some reject a guy for sane reasons while others for more immature reasons like being a gold digger or wanting a bad boy.
2016-06-17 9:29 pm
No, I often reject guys cause their screw ups
2016-06-17 8:17 pm
No , she just wasn't interested, you know sometimes there is not even a reason.
2016-06-17 7:15 pm
she might be going through something in her personal life
2016-06-17 6:05 pm
No. I was rejected by a girl I really liked two years ago and it was just because she really liked another guy. Eventually, she found out he didn't like her and she started dating this other guy.
2016-06-17 5:49 pm
It doesn't necessarily mean you're ugly. What it does mean is she's not feeling you.
2016-06-17 5:02 pm
Do you think you're ugly? What she thinks if you shouldn't matter. Women want guys that are confident. Needing any women's approval is unhealthy for you and it turns women off (and they can sense these insecurities from a mile away). Take a rejection like a man. Thank her for her honesty and move on. If you feel you want to improve yourself somehow then by all means don't hesitate, it's part of life to be better. Also there are many, many, fish in the sea. The sooner you move on the sooner you'll find someone new and the sooner you'll forget about this girl.
2016-06-17 3:10 pm
It could mean she doesn't like you that way or she is just generally not interested in you
2016-06-17 3:09 pm
No not at all. I was into this hot guy recently until i found out that he supported donald trump and i was like LOL bye.
2016-06-17 2:05 pm
no your just not her type
2016-06-17 11:15 am
2016-06-17 11:04 am
No there's a million reasons why she might not want to be with you, move on and find someone who does
2016-06-17 9:34 am
No if they did that. Then wat ever brush it off. There's men out their for everyone.
They don't deserve you. But when decide in the future to change the way u want . For yourself don't ever change unless you want to. But if you do and he comes and it in u ect tell him no thanks .. you didn't want me then I don't want you..
2016-06-17 8:46 am
1.Your probably ugly
2.your breathe might stink
3.she hates you
4.she has a "boyfriend"
5.her dad dates her
6.she's dating her cousin
7.she might got done sucking dick
8.she probably has a dildo deep inside her ***
9.her family hates you
10.she probably got fired and is now upset
2016-06-17 8:03 am
I'm a girl!!! Girls are very picky when it comes to "Men". If a girl isn't attractive to you that do not mean she thinks you're ugly. It just means you're just not her type! Girls can be mean, they say some guys can be ugly. But they hold it in because they don't want to hurt you're feelings or they just tell you she's just not interested!
2016-06-17 7:48 am
I don't like ppl for looks. I like them for how they make me feel and part of looks
2016-06-17 6:56 am
no. but even if she did because she felt that way, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. maybe she sees you as 'ugly' but someone else will see you as beautiful. thats just the way the world works. show the hottest models to people and not all will find them beautiful. show the 'less beautiful' ones by society standards to everyone and not all will find them to be that way. subjectivity is part of being human. personally I've experimented with observing every person. and no matter how they look, or how people say they look, after I observe them for some time I don't think any of them deserves to be called ugly.

I think what makes you really beautiful is what's inside. what's outside is already good no matter how much society/beauty market tries to convince you otherwise. just keep yourself healthy, have good thoughts, a good mind, a good heart and a good soul.

from personal experience, most of the guys my friends have a crush on, I can't relate to them most of the time. I'm always like oh okay. I don't find them ugly neither do I find them attractive. but most of my other friends go like 'wow he's hot!' etc. some women are weak at the knees when men style their hair, but I hate that the most about men, when they style their hair. I prefer short/messy hair. some of my friends like fair skinned men, some like darker ones, I don't have any preference. so every individual is VERY different when it comes to preferences. and still, all these 'preferences' go out of the window when someone falls in love with your soul. so best solution? have a good soul. thats the best emotional connection you will ever have, not physical. so if someone finds you 'ugly', move on. there's 7 billion of other pairs of eyes that have yet to see you.
2016-06-17 6:14 am
2016-06-17 5:28 am
2016-06-17 5:16 am
Well of course not! Girls can have many reasons that they reject guys.
1. Not ready for a relationship- Some girls just dont want to have any interactions until they are older, and can handle stuff better
2. They already have somebody- Of course they would not want 2 cheat on the other.
3. Parents- Trust me, there are many overly protective parents that would not like you hagin around their girl. Sometimes parents just arent ready for their daughters to grow up, so they just simply say no to dating, until they are older.
4. Bad Experinces- Some girls might have had a heartbreak before they met you. They might still not be ready to move on or just have given up overall.
5. They don t think they will have time- Sme girls are just very busy. They probaly just don t want a breakup because they know there won t be much time to hang around eachother.
6. Being to pushy- Girls take time. If you approach them too fast, they won t like it. You need to give them there space, while still having a realtionship.
7. Just not interested- Maybe you re not her type.
Whatever you do, don t say you are ugly or even worry about the matter. You will find the girl who is perfect for you, even if it takes some time. I wish you luck and hope you find the perfect girl for you
2016-06-17 4:54 am
No, it doesn't. It probably means that she has another boyfriend or just doesn't want to get into a relationship yet.
2016-06-17 3:58 am
No. You might just not be their type.
2016-06-17 3:53 am
no it could be a lot of reasons why
2016-06-17 3:42 am
Nope I've regected men who are rather handsome, whether just simply because I don't like them that way or they are pieces of ****
2016-06-17 2:51 am
No..she'd have her personal reasons. You could have asked her. MayB she'd tell you...
2016-06-17 1:40 am
No. 1 person out of how many in the world turned you down means nothing unless this person already was someone in your heart then that sucks.
2016-06-17 12:50 am

What counts is what YOU think of yourself.

All sorts of people are going to reject you in life. For all sorts of reasons. And none of the reasons have anything to do with your looks.
2016-06-16 11:50 pm
No .. there will be a reason as to why.
2016-06-16 11:13 pm
no. It probably means you are insecure. Girls are looking for the big strong bold hero--and then only if they want him. Single women are inclined to be evil. Married mothers make a better example of womanhood, because they are happy.
2016-06-16 11:05 pm
tbh sometimes. usually it's something else tho
2016-06-16 10:58 pm
Obviously not you could be absolutely gorgeous but your just not her type.
2016-06-16 10:58 pm
Does it matter? If you can't learn to love yourself than how can you expect others to?
2016-06-16 10:44 pm
2016-06-16 9:59 pm
I turned a gorgeous guy down once because I found him to be unintelligent.

There are heaps of reasons why a girl would reject someone.
2016-06-16 9:53 pm
Most the time, yes.
2016-06-16 9:23 pm
It means she has someone else in mind.
2016-06-16 9:20 pm
Do you have an alibi?

If she rejects you and you don't have an alibi then yes, your are U-G-L-Y
2016-06-16 8:51 pm
Dude, she's just not that into you. Deal with it. We live in a world of 7 billion people. Life goes on.
2016-06-16 8:48 pm
50% of the time yes they rejected me because they think im not good looking , the other 50% they reject me because they are in a good relation with somone
2016-06-16 8:47 pm
No, it just means she is just not interested in you.
2016-06-16 8:23 pm
2016-06-16 7:59 pm
2016-06-16 7:57 pm
Different strokes for different people. She may not have found you attractive, but that doesn't mean someone else won't. To go from one girl rejecting you to being considered universally unattractive is quite the leap. Don't stress yourself out.
2016-06-16 7:55 pm
God sake u have insecurity issues
2016-06-16 7:02 pm
No. Not at all...it's just means she is not interested!
2016-06-16 7:02 pm
2016-06-16 7:02 pm
2016-06-16 6:02 pm
No don't think like that. It's her loss.
2016-06-16 6:00 pm
not necessary
2016-06-16 5:55 pm
2016-06-16 5:54 pm
2016-06-16 5:46 pm
no not at all. each person is attracted to a particular type of person and it doesn't matter what you do or say if your not there type all the practice in the world wont help. it may be due to society up brining, peer pressure or just a lack of experience. just remember you are exactly the way god made you. so if your rejected that not the one.
2016-06-16 5:43 pm
maybe she thinks so
2016-06-16 5:30 pm
It's usually not that you're ugly, it's that you're not her type. It's the same with guys, one guy could find a girl insanely attractive and his friends could think she's a 1/10. It'll probably be because she's just not attracted to you, doesn't have to mean she thinks you're ugly. I have guy friends who I know are good looking but I just am not attracted to. Girls don't only care about looks unless they are shallow af
2016-06-16 5:27 pm
No, You might just but not her type, and there are ton of other reasons that could be the reason too.
2016-06-16 5:13 pm
No I reject the handsome guy with good career and very smart because he was 6 years younger than me and I thought it wasn't fair for him and our relationship don't make it :-(
2016-06-16 4:59 pm
2016-06-16 4:48 pm
Usually yes but not always
2016-06-16 4:37 pm
2016-06-16 4:31 pm
No, it mean she a retard!
2016-06-16 3:57 pm
2016-06-16 3:48 pm
if a girl rejects you move on and do not give it a second thought. You might be rejected a lot of times in a lifetime but then one day you will meet the right person and you will fall for each other. When someone rejects you it is because you are not compatible nothing else. It is not your fault. We are all different! Embrace it and move on :-)
2016-06-16 3:24 pm
It could mean that she isn't the right person for you
2016-06-16 3:02 pm
no it doesn't mean ur ugly , sometimes people reject people just because they don't feel it however may just like you as a friend. dont put yourself down
2016-06-16 2:57 pm
No. Everyone has their own type they're attracted to. Don't take it too personally.
2016-06-16 2:32 pm
If you are her friend you can approach her.Or ugly
2016-06-16 2:19 pm
Not really. She is either interested in another guy, doesn't like how you ask, (some girls like it romantic) or she likes you but not your smell
2016-06-16 2:14 pm
Probaly yes
2016-06-16 2:08 pm
No I go find me a hot bisexual guy tongue kissing me and I want him to f u c k in the a s s until I can't take it no more all night and all day him f u c k i n g me in the a s s
2016-06-16 1:34 pm
Maybe you just have a s h i t personality
2016-06-16 1:12 pm
2016-06-16 12:20 pm
It is more likely she rejected you because your penis is too small
2016-06-16 12:07 pm
Not at all - don't get stuck in black & white thinking patterns i.e. people are either beautiful or ugly with no grey areas.

It's likely your looks are within the average/normal range.
2016-06-16 10:13 am
no. maybe you just aren't her cup of tea~
2016-06-16 9:59 am
Besides your looks there could be other reasons that she lost interest.
2016-06-16 9:45 am
2016-06-16 8:45 am
No. man maybe the girl rejects u isnt for u, go find another one
2016-06-16 7:30 am
No. People reject people for many different reasons. It depends on what type of girl she is and if she's even interested or knows you. It isn't all about looks even though that is the first impression.
2016-06-16 6:45 am
2016-06-16 6:07 am
No, could be any number of reasons. Maybe she doesn't enjoy being with you. Or is holding out for someone else. If you rejected a girl, why would that be?
2016-06-16 5:36 am
It means she's not interested. If I rejected a guys to probably bc I don't feel the same
2016-06-16 5:13 am
2016-06-16 4:59 am
No dude it just means she's not interested in you. Fine some other chick. There's plenty of fish in the sea.
2016-06-16 4:58 am
YES ????
2016-06-16 4:54 am
No it just could mean that she's not interested
2016-06-16 3:48 am
2016-06-16 3:44 am
No, it doesn't mean he is ugly. There are many reasons for rejection:
-Lack of common interests
-Social circle will not aprove of the two dating
-His personality is too different than guys she usually dates
-She doesn't like the guy
-She doesn't want to date
2016-06-16 3:39 am
No, it just means she's not interested.
2016-06-16 3:11 am
No. She might have someone. We girls are usually nicer not to hurt people's feelings
2016-06-16 2:40 am
Yes. To her at least. Otherwise, she wouldn't reject you.
2016-06-16 2:32 am
No she just isn't interested
2016-06-16 2:29 am
Yes sometimes
2016-06-16 2:25 am
2016-06-16 1:21 am
No, there could be hundreds of reasons
2016-06-16 12:48 am
No. Means she's not interested in you.
2016-06-15 11:44 pm
So if one girls says NO... Then I'm Ugly.
If 7 girls say YES, then I'm Confused.

I don't get it!!
2016-06-15 11:18 pm
2016-06-15 10:43 pm
Maybe because girls never reject hot guys
2016-06-15 10:32 pm
No not at all. It just means she may not be ready to date or she is with someone already, could be a number of reasons.
2016-06-15 10:22 pm
2016-06-15 10:03 pm
No its Don't Mean You're Ugly are many girls rejected you then you think
2016-06-15 9:41 pm
It means that it's just not a girl intended to you. Try to find a right person who'll appreciate you regardless your appearance. Beauty is not all that matters in this life.
2016-06-15 9:11 pm
Of course not. It just means that you do not come up to her expected standards..
2016-06-15 8:58 pm
Not at all
2016-06-15 8:25 pm
No, it means that your dating her would diminish her self-worth in a way (approval of family/friends, loss of better dating perspectives, loss of financial or social advantage).

Don't take it the hard way, men are picky too. It's just that people's attraction triggers don't abide by political correctness or standards of equality. We like what we like, even when we try to rationalize away from it.
2016-06-15 8:21 pm
no never think that!
2016-06-15 8:11 pm
nope just that she isnt interested in a relationship or sexual encounter with you, her sexuality may be different than you thought, she cuold be un a reltio ship..
2016-06-15 8:00 pm
2016-06-15 7:54 pm
It's normal to believe that, but it's untrue. There are many reasons as to why a girl would reject you, she may already be planning on or hoping someone else asks her on a date or she just isn't interested in a relationship at that moment in time. If someone rejects you, it's important you don't get hysterical about it and you respect their decision. I would rather be single than in a relationship with someone who started dating me to prevent me from getting upset, both the people have to want it. Please don't think negatively of yourself when you're turned down by a girl you're attracted to, it enables you to go out and find someone who will feel the same about you as you do for them. Your soulmate is out there waiting for you and I hope you find her soon!
2016-06-15 7:11 pm
2016-06-15 7:10 pm
A boy being ugly isnt always the case why he's rejected.
1. Yes, he might be too ugly
2. He might be short
3. He might be poor
4. He might smell bad
5. He might use bad or slang words which scare girls
6. He might be violent
7. He might be fat
8. He's not respectful to a girl
9. A girl might have another boy or boyfriend
10. A girl might feel young to date that boy
11. A girl isnt allowed to have relationships with a boy, so she had to reject him
12. A girl isnt interested in romance
13. Maybe that boy's first impression was bad
14. She just doesnt need a bf
15. She rejects because that boy is too stupid/low IQ
16. If that boy is from a country where she hates
17 Her family hates that boy
18. Just because a girl thinks she deserves a better boy
19. other reasons :)
參考: Im 17 years old woman rejected by 15aged boy who I loved because he wasnt ready to have gf
2016-06-15 6:55 pm
2016-06-15 6:00 pm
2016-06-15 5:25 pm
No she is just not interested in you that's all
2016-06-15 4:41 pm
No no no no! I'd be so sad if a guy took it like that! Maybe she is Just not looking for -a guy, or she could not be into guys you never know.
2016-06-15 4:31 pm
Thair are different reasons
2016-06-15 4:00 pm
It's a possibility but there are many reasons. Perhaps you are subconsciously desperate for a girlfriend and you are simply trying too hard and appear overbearing. Try to relax. You will almost certainly meet a girl you will really like when you are least expecting it.
2016-06-15 3:57 pm
2016-06-15 3:50 pm
Usually I reject a guy if he isn't my type personality wise or just the way he talks not with speech impediments but I mean if every other word that comes out of his mouth is a cuss word I lose interest immediately and another thing not everyone is shallow, I'm sure your a good looking guy and eventually you will find a girl you is mesmerized by the simplest actions you take. You'll know it if you see it in her eyes when you smile at her.
2016-06-15 3:47 pm
It's because she doesn't like your personality
2016-06-15 3:16 pm
2016-06-15 3:00 pm
Not in my case. You????????????? Yeah.
2016-06-15 2:55 pm
Nope she just doesn't have feelings
2016-06-15 2:33 pm
No not at all. I have been shot down more times than I can count.
2016-06-15 2:22 pm
no ofcourse not. She probably rejected you because of your personality or interests. SHE ISNT RIGHT FOR YOU!!!
2016-06-15 2:20 pm
No it doesn't mean that at all. I had an attractive guy hit on me and ask for my number. But I had just gotten out of a relationship and didn't want to be in another. So I said no.
2016-06-15 2:16 pm
No, one answer can have a lot of reasons/explanations. It can't always be that you're ugly and besides, nobody is ugly
2016-06-15 2:14 pm
Could be, but girls also reject handsome guys. My guess is that it's more likely to do with social dominance, the universal attractive quality in men.
2016-06-15 1:20 pm
Never take it personally
2016-06-15 12:45 pm
No.. maybe she is not interested in a relationship or she likes someone else or you are just not her type... or maybe it is because of your bad timing..... there are many reasons why a girl might reject a guy. More than good looks and money most of the women value guy's personality. You might be lacking confidence... or it is she who is feeling shy... if she has rejected you, you should accept that and move on.
2016-06-15 12:38 pm
2016-06-15 12:16 pm
No, it means she either has an relationship with someone else, or she doesn't have time for dates, at the moment.
2016-06-15 11:25 am
No. It's not just about looks. It could be personality clashes or he/she just doesn't find you interesting. Or it could be because that person finds you unattractive. But everyone has different preferences. Don't sweat it. You will find someone.
2016-06-15 10:01 am
No there is many reasons as to why they would like they have someone else on their mind, they can't, too many stuff on there plate etc.
2016-06-15 9:58 am
Nope! Not even close! You might just not be their type. Some people say that opposites attract but this is not true, so look for a girl that you have the most common with. Me and my girlfriend have been together for almost three years and we are still minors. But my psychiatrist says that what me and my girlfriend have is extremely uncommon and strange that we are still together after all that time. But who cares!? You will find the one if you keep looking!
2016-06-15 8:52 am
2016-06-15 8:49 am
Maybe, if that's really the reason, she must be really shallow.
2016-06-15 8:48 am
2016-06-15 8:45 am
No it could be a number of reasons.
2016-06-15 7:49 am
Highly possible chances yes, but at the same time maybe she isn't interested being in a relationship either.
2016-06-15 7:33 am
No, she might be taken, or like a certain type of a guy, or heck she might not be into guys at all !
2016-06-15 7:24 am
no there could be so many reasons
2016-06-15 7:14 am
..no it does not ..it would be a funny world if all loved the same person..... just means you are not the one for her simple as that ..........
2016-06-15 6:41 am
nah man, it doesn't mean you're ugly, maybe you're just not her type.
2016-06-15 5:29 am
It means you should keep dating guys.
2016-06-15 5:13 am
No sometimes they have a boyfriend or they just not interested
2016-06-15 5:10 am
yes . i find the same answer like you said you are ugly
2016-06-15 5:04 am
No you're just ugly to her
2016-06-15 4:37 am
Not really. There could be compatibility issues or any other reasons.
2016-06-15 4:29 am
no sometimes the girl is taken and is very faithful. guys cant blame themselves for rejection. because most of the time its just bad timing or the girl is either taken or going through some things she wants to settle for herself... trust it has all to be about the timing ..theres always someone for everyone remember that.. :) wish you the best stay strong .. ! there is somewhat to is waiting to cross pagths with you ..
2016-06-15 4:04 am
No, not at all. It just means that you are not her type. Both of your personalities are different from eachother.
2016-06-15 4:04 am
Handsome guys got rejected too!
2016-06-15 3:40 am
if a girl rejects you means she doesn't want to deal with you
2016-06-15 3:01 am
No, it doesn't mean your ugly, it means that your not her type. I have had many attractive guys interested in me and I wasn't into them for other reasons that had nothing to do with their looks.
2016-06-15 2:45 am
To her yes.
2016-06-15 2:35 am
2016-06-15 1:49 am
no there's other girls out there. I just got rejected Monday. you'll be alright man!
參考: experience
2016-06-15 1:13 am
2016-06-15 12:10 am
No Hun
2016-06-14 9:48 pm
No I wouldn't say that. People get rejected all the time and I honestly do not think it is because they are "ugly". Of course its never fun to be rejected by someone you are intrested in and they don't feel the same but you just have to get over it. The world is full of other girls, so just go out and open up your eyes! ????
2016-06-14 9:03 pm
It does not mean you're ugly may be she is engaged.
2016-06-14 7:37 pm
If she rejects u because you are ugly be happy about it because she is not very nice,
The one who will love u will also love your ugly or pretty face..doesnt matter!

And girls don't care about looks if you have got a good personality and are caring towards her and if you are a good listener.

Having a good sense of humor also really helps..
2016-06-14 7:35 pm
It can be just one of the hundred hypothisis'.
2016-06-14 7:12 pm
Don't down yo self just because a girl rejects you if you look in the mirror and love what you see then THATS ALL THAT MATTERS.
2016-06-14 6:17 pm
no.not like that
2016-06-14 5:24 pm
no it doesn't
2016-06-14 4:55 pm
2016-06-14 4:52 pm
There are a multiple number of reasons she has rejected you. Don't take it personally, and love yourself that much more.
2016-06-14 4:28 pm
2016-06-14 4:00 pm
Nah B
Just continue and live ure life
u r gr8
2016-06-14 3:00 pm
2016-06-14 2:46 pm
2016-06-14 2:28 pm
2016-06-14 1:32 pm
Yes probably haha
2016-06-14 1:12 pm
No dude it means she is not worthy of ur love :p
2016-06-14 12:02 pm
no,not at all
2016-06-14 11:59 am
It doesn't mean that.
2016-06-14 11:47 am
Sure it doesn't mean that! How could you imagine if every girl will accept you? :) The same thing is that you also can't like every nice girl.
2016-06-14 7:46 am
Not at all!
2016-06-14 7:25 am
It means that she is a *****
2016-06-14 5:17 am
Havnt you ever hear the term "the worst thing she can say is no." Literally this is the smallest thing about dating that you could possibly sweat. So what if she says no. I don't like Kim Kardashian but a majority of my friends do. There is plenty of fish in the sea! Go explore!
2016-06-14 3:45 am
Its not the girl who rejects you it's her brain I have a friend who don't look really good but he got a talent to date girls he got many beautiful girlfriends I don't know how he do that but its just his speech he flirts with girls and they start having interest in him you should try something like that watch videos on YouTube and search on google how to make girls fall in love with you
2016-06-18 7:47 am
A big No guys we don't care about your looks well we do but it's not like all we care about is the looks . Just be confident girls love that !
2016-06-16 11:40 pm
No, if a girl rejects you, it means you don't have enough money. If a man rejects you, it means you're ugly. Or... that... he's not gay. I'm assuming you're a man.
2016-06-15 9:22 pm
2016-06-15 6:44 pm
2016-06-15 4:42 am
I rejected a cute guy, its not always the look of people.
2016-06-15 3:01 am
2016-06-14 11:01 pm
It means SHE thinks you're ugly.

Or else, she is simply not interested in being with anyone.
2016-06-14 9:55 pm
Yes, join a monastery's
2016-06-14 7:51 pm
No, you can be incredibly hot, but if your an a**hole then get away from me.
2016-06-14 11:29 am
2016-06-14 9:41 am
It means your ugly or you got a very small penis
2016-06-14 9:36 am
2016-06-14 12:53 pm
No. I have rejected many attractive guy just simply because I didn't feel like talking.
And sometimes I was in love with someone else at the time. It most likely wasn't you. She probably had alot on her mind.

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