Donald Trump wants to be very inclusive. Has he offended you yet?

2016-06-13 6:10 pm

回答 (12)

2016-06-13 6:14 pm
He offends me every times he speaks. He claims that he wants to make "American Great Again," I contend America is great. We may not be perfect, and yes we have things to do to accomplish all we aspire to, but that has always been true. We are at our greatest when we uplift our society, not take it backwards.
2016-06-13 6:13 pm
No. I'm not a pansyassed liberal who gets offended everytime someone disagrees with me
2016-06-13 6:24 pm
many times
2016-06-13 6:23 pm
Since 1970.
2016-06-13 6:16 pm
Trump sounds like a bitchy tween girl on twitter.
2016-06-13 6:12 pm
Not at all, I just think he's an idiot. You don't get mad at a clown for being a clown, the appropriate response is mockery.
2016-06-13 6:11 pm
Yes. I am included among those he has offended. Almost everything he says offends me.
2016-06-13 7:57 pm
Being non-PC and offensive are not the same thing. I dont think calling someone names that fit them is offensive to the whole population. He is singling out only a few people.
2016-06-13 6:17 pm
I hate Obama and muslims. I hope that burns your heart.
2016-06-13 6:12 pm
He wants to get the democratic vote

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