Husband feels I owe him sex?

2016-06-13 5:36 pm
It will be an year of our marriage in November and I am already fed up by his attitude towards sex. He sees it as an obligation, a compulsory thing for a couple. He puts too much emphasis on it. He expects it almost daily and gives the reason that we are newly married, so we should make the most of this time as there are no kids around. If I don't want to do it, he sulks, won't talk, won't cooperate and I am accused of not loving him enough or not being attentive, caring

. He is like a little boy who loves his candy except that the candy for my husband is sex. If I have sex with him, the next day he is helpful, loving, romantic etc. I love him a lot but his attitude towards sex is something I dislike. How should I change this

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2016-06-13 7:06 pm
So what frequency would you be content with? You neglected to mention that. He wants it "almost daily" (so I'd assume 4 - 6 times a week).

"gives the reason that we are newly married, so we should make the most of this time as there are no kids around" - he's got a good point, in that many couples see a drastic reduction in sex when the children come along (especially if either party didn't have a very high libido to begin with).

You've been married 7 months. It's odd that you already don't want to have sex even 4x a week. Is the honeymoon over so soon? Did you not like sex before but did it out of obligation? How often did you two have sex while dating?

If the frequency you have sex with him now is less than when dating, that's not really fair to him. It implies you were disingenuous with him before marriage, making him think you liked it more than you did. His expectation is that it would at least stay the same frequency.

Figure out why you don't want to have sex with your husband. If you really aren't that into sex so that you'd be happy 1 or 2x a week or less, then you two aren't a good match. You shouldn't be forced to do it, but he shouldn't be forced to go without (esp if he was gettin' it more prior to marriage).

A bad sex life in a marriage can start to cause all kinds of other problems in the marriage. You say he's happy and a brighter person after you've had sex. Makes sense, because apparently he enjoys making love to his new bride. Why don't you enjoy making love to your new husband?
2016-06-13 10:51 pm
Although ideally your sex drives would match or at least be similar, you don't owe him sex whenever he wants it. Sulking like a baby is not how adults handle problems. That's nonsense.

You guys need to have a serious talk about this - how often would be ideal for you? Can you meet each other half way? If you can't figure it out on your own, think about having a few therapy sessions with a counselor. This issue will just continue to make you both resent each other if you don't figure it out soon.
2016-06-13 7:13 pm
You both need to change. Your husband thinks sex is important and feels rejected and upset when you reject him. Why would you reject your husband in this way? I feel that if either party in a marriage wants to have sex, they should. This is the one thing you are supposed to ONLY be getting from your partner. If you don't have sex with him, where do you expect him to go?
2016-06-13 9:35 pm
You should not have got married then, for in marriage, sex is a part of being married.

If one is unable to perform, then, fair enough.

So, it is more like: how can he change you? So obviously he does not turn you on, in which case, tell him what does.

He is not being unfair; it is you who is being unfair.

I have been married for nearly 25 years to a man who has a high sex drive and sex is not enjoyable to me, but I do it, because I know it pleases him, which in turn, pleases me.

That is part of what marriage is all about.
2016-06-13 8:50 pm
Do you ever ask to have sex with him? Doing that could change up your relationship dynamic. He likes his time with you . You have to ask yourself , are you doing your part in sex. Is it just physical? Offer him sex and before you know it he will desire to love you in other ways. Give him tons of sex. Why does he have to beg for it. Lead him a couple of times and it will help your relationship. Show him that you can "take charge" and this will set a better tone. If you don't like how he does it, don't just expect him to know, be direct with him.
2016-06-13 6:28 pm
Let him sulk and then turn his complaints back on him You tell him that he does not love you because he will not respect your wishes He is not a little boy and your sex is not candy He needs to grow up If he wants to act like a child treat him like one and ignore the tantrums. Ask him if sex is what is most important to him and if he thinks you own him sex on demand. If he says yes you will know him for the selfish, self centered, immature male chauvinist that he is. You have no kids and just a year invested. If he will not willingly go to a marriage counselor, you need to go to a divorce lawyer
2016-06-13 6:13 pm
Both of you have to be comfortable with the level of sex, you don't have to do anything you don't want to. Obviously there needs to be open communication, but your husband seems like an idiot, you are a person with your own wants and needs. and if he doesn't care about your pleasure and your feelings, then he isn't worth being married to.
2016-06-13 10:13 pm
Uh, well maybe because he is right. Even the Bible tells you that you are not to defraud your mate of sex and it tells you that once you get married your body belongs to your spouse and their body to you. Now I do not think that only applies to sex as it says body, not just specific parts. Doubt me? Go look it up. You will find that that is just what it says. Read it and weep.

Lady, you have fallen into the trap that so many women fall into. You overvalue what it is that you offer in marriage which a man values or finds of worth. And if like most females, you use the temptation of sex to help you get things you want then get mad when someone expects you to pay off. That is sort of like trying to lure people into a store with sale signs then telling them that there is no sale and instead everything is full price. And then the store owner gets mad when people act like they were deceived. Well hon, this is just how you are acting. You are cheating him out of something he has a right to and something that was a big factor in his saying I do to begin with.

Add to that the fact that I bet you sure do think he owes you many things just by being married now do you not? Sure you do even if you will not admit to it. You women like to believe that you get to tell men what they owe you and then tell men what you owe them too. Great deal if you can find a man dumb enough to allow you to get by with that garbage.

Sit down and be honest. Just what is it that most of you females offer to a man which is of worth or benefit to him which he cannot buy or get someplace else for less? Nothing? He can either do it himself or get it someplace else and do so a whole lot cheaper than having a wife. No, you are not a rocket scientist and I doubt you will cure cancer. So what is it about you which would have made him even notice you are alive if he did not want to screw you? Probably nothing. No, I really do not care if that hurts or offends. It is time you women finally had to face the truth.

You women use sex and act like sex objects to help you gain what you want then get upset when people want to use you as what you act like.. There is a name for that. Retarded.

Let me clue you in here honey. Keep up your nonsense. Men are figuring out how you females act and they are realizing that you are just too much aggravation for no more than you are worth.

Face it women. The only currency which most of you have is ***** and you know it. You are terrified when men say that or tell you the truth about it. If we could not screw you, we would use most of you as pack mules or bait and you women know it too. You get so mad when this is said because deep down you know it is true and a man knowing it and saying it is a threat to you.
2016-06-14 12:23 am
I don't think you "owe" him sex. You did take a vow to be "obedient". Have you forgotten that you claimed to "love" him?? To him, sex is an expression of love. When you rebuff him, it hurts. When you say "no" just because you don't feel like it at the moment, or it's "too much trouble", you are telling him that your minor comforts, and whims, are more important to you that he is. Just in the interest if keeping him interested in you, and making him happy, I'd think you would utilize the few minutes, and make the slight effort required. It may mean the difference between a happy life and divorce, eventually.
2016-06-13 7:31 pm
This is an attitude you don't like? Having a husband who treats sex like candy is the goal. Have you ever heard the song "Sex and Candy"? That's what you want to shoot for. A playful attitude is good. I think your description of what you don't like made be inaccurate, or incomplete.

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