with any industry the strongest and most popular have survived. 點解用with?

2016-06-13 3:18 pm

回答 (2)

2016-06-13 8:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. With any industry the strongest and most popular (companies) have survived. (O)
2. In any industry the strongest and most popular (companies) have survived. (O)

Both are fine but subtly different.

2 = "in" 隱喻"industry"與"(companies)"的存在關聯性不多. (companies)公司倒了,這種(industry)工業還是會存在.
1 = "with" 隱喻"industry"與"(companies)"的存在關聯性強. (companies)公司與這種(industry)工業的興盛(或衰退)同步.

Very obvious indeed!
2016-06-13 3:51 pm
In this pattern the verb (have survived) is followed by the Subject; while the prepositional phrase"with any industry" is placed at first place of the sentence.!
eg:-(With any industry)---prepositional phrase---placed in front of the sentence.
the strongest and most popular-------Subject
have survived------v
"with" prep is equivalent to construction with the verb "have survived","having; carrying; chracterized by". Whether with prep or prep.phrase equivalent to construction must be written out completely.This is called "Inverse Construction" with the sentence.

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