my flush handle is broken and my toilet wont flush?

2016-06-13 1:25 pm
My flush handle is loose and my toilet won't flush. Also it keeps making a trickling sound constantly. Any advice?

回答 (6)

2016-06-20 2:20 am
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Remove the handle and arm, and take the assembly to your nearest DIY store like Home Depot or Lowes, and get a replacement. They are inexpensive. The trickling probably means that you need a new flapper. It's that round rubber stopper at the bottom of your toilet tank. So you may need to pick up one of those too.

But another thing to check before you run to the store.
Make sure the chain that connects the flapper to your flush handle hasn't become disconnected.
If it has, that would explain why the handle feels loose, and the trickling might be caused by the loose chain being stuck under the flapper so it doesn't make a proper seal.

Pull the chain out from under the flapper if it is stuck there, and hook it back on to the arm of the flush handle if you can.

If that doesn't help then you may need to call in a professional.
2016-06-13 7:46 pm
If your toilet flush handle is broken then go to the blacksmith or plumber's shop or store to buy the whole set of standardized plumbing mechanism including; handle, lever and chain. and it is very easy to replace them by yourself.
2016-06-15 5:33 am
you've already gotten plenty of good advice on how to fix it.

in the meantime, if you need to flush... fill a bucket with water and pour it into the toilet bowl.
2016-06-13 9:47 pm
if you look inside the T-tank you might find that the connecting chain/string has snapped and must be re-newed --- D I Y ...== or == buy a new handle and you will still ned to obtain a new chain or a nylon line or a string ..... ....
2016-06-13 7:45 pm
Pull the lid off the toilet, and see if the chain is off the flapper valve, if it is hook it back up.,This is clean water,simple to fix. might take 30 seconds,
2016-06-13 1:39 pm
There are YouTube videos to show you how to fix it.
2016-06-13 1:36 pm
It sounds like the chain has come loose and is blocking the flush valve from closing all the way. Take the cover off the back, check for the chain and reattach it to handle. Simple procedure.
2016-06-13 1:27 pm
you can flush it by taking off the top cover and pulling up on the chain. it will pull up the plunger in the tank and release the seal and let the water flow. you just need to fix the chain tension going from there to the handle so when you press the handle it lifts the lever and plunger.
2016-06-16 6:50 am
If your handle is broken, why do you continue to use it? It is not a broken handle. Take off the tank top and look around inside and you will soon find the problem. I think you already have enough info on how to repair the problem(s). But, that dripping sound is your water bill going higher and higher, because the rubber float that stops water going into the pot for flushing is not setting on the hole properly.
2016-06-16 12:19 am
My advice is to repair it.

But first you need to learn how the toilet works. Then you must remove the broken part. Then you must get a new part. Then you must install it, properly.

Ask at the store how to adjust the chain. Well, it says on the package.

Maybe your "handle" isn't even broken? Maybe the chain is hung up?
2016-06-15 9:31 pm
Inexpensive and easy to repair.
2016-06-15 8:11 pm
Go to your big box store and buy a new flush handle. Normally, a flat arm is attached and you hook the end of this to the flapper chain.
2016-06-13 1:28 pm
The float inside the tank above the loo probably needs setting back, when it is not level the water constantly runs. The handle should be able to be tightened from the other side with an adjustable spanner. But I would get that looked at because it wont flush.

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