Should I feel guilty and regret? Breaking up with my first boyfriend, please please please read!?

2016-06-13 6:37 am
Should I regret that he touched my boobs and masterbated me and I masterbated him? Because I wasn't even prepared to be in a relationship in the first place and I still wanna feel innocent. Have I lost my innocence?

回答 (2)

2016-06-13 6:42 am
I don't believe you should regret what you had with him, because at some point you felt comfortable enough for you two to be intimate with each other. You may feel that you regret it now because you two are not together anymore. Are you innocent? Sure, you just have some experience with things that's all (: nothing to be ashamed about
2016-06-13 6:40 am
No you have not lost your innocence ---- it's not what you do it's how you see life

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