Marriage survey - wives to answer only - will you tolerate a husband who does these to you?

2016-06-13 3:22 am
Marriage survey - wives to answer only - will you tolerate a husband who does these to you?
Will you tolerate a husband who treats you nice sometimes (takes you for holidays, buy gifts and flowers for you, buys you things you like) but who also does these to you?
1. Scolded you on your birthday and told you to leave just because you lent your mother a t-shirt on your birthday for one day (it is t-shirt he bought for you previously but he didn't tell u that u cannot lend it to anyone)
2. Calls you ***** or idiot eventhough he had promised not to call you names again?
3. Left u in his car for 5 hours with no food n water when u told him u are unwell n dizzy and when you asked him to help you to buy food n water for u, he ignored you.
4. Scolded you because you are not feeling well n are unable to attend his friend's birthday party?
5. Blames you for everything that didn't turn out well?

回答 (1)

2016-06-13 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. A tshirt? He needs to get somefcking perspective. Its not like it was a set of diamond earrings
2. the heat of argument people say things they dont mean. But that one needs an apology. If he did, it would be forgotten immediately
3. Wouldnt happen. After 30 min, id ditch the car and get my own help. And a serious explanation better be forthcoming.
4. Nope. Not tolerable. A person cant control if they get sick. Of course, im assuming actual sickness and not a case of the vapors. No way of knowing which we r talking about here.
5. Did i do anything that i should feel guilty about? If no, then ditch him. But if it was one of those times when i know i didnt act in a way i wad 100% proud of, then we need to talk about better communication

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