How easily to songs come to musicians?

2016-06-13 3:03 am
This is a question for anyone who plays in a band or makes music in any way. I'm a huge fan of music and I've been playing guitar for about 4 years, I am the creative type but songs really don't come to me easily. I'm just wondering if there's somewhat of a threshold to break when it comes to songwriting, like once you write one good song do other good songs come easier to you? It's a bit frustrating to have this writers block because I am the artistic type and I know I can write good music but I just can't figure out how to make that happen exactly.

回答 (7)

2016-06-14 1:15 am
More time spent with accompaniment works well, and btw you can't be your own judge. People will like you based on how your performance feels. Oh yeah, you gotta play for people.
2016-06-13 6:13 pm
It's a gift some have like some are great at violin and others great at piano, etc...probably the most gifted I'm familiar with is David Downes. Every note of every song the #1 World Billboard group Celtic Woman sings is either composed by him or arranged by him. One he wrote for a specific voice is...
2016-06-13 9:35 am
I've been playing for 47 years, and my songwriting skill are pretty pathetic. The best way is to get with a band of talented people and then just jam and discover licks, riffs ands rhythms that work with everyone contributing. That is how most groups did it.
I can play all the instruments, but without another human to help me create, I'm lost..
參考: 47 yrs exp as guitarist and all round musician/former pro musician
2016-06-13 5:23 am
Insanely simple. Just be nutso in love with the music, but use like like a quarter of the lyrics you come up with, if you talk more than you sing. When you sing in the shower (if you don't, you ain't goin' far), do you belt out a complete song? Nah, just the good lines. Write good lines. That's it.
Screw the ballads. Fight for your right to party, and get some "satisfaction".
2016-06-13 4:50 am
try to think about something you like or feel passionately about, or something you find interesting and write a song about it. Or (this is a method I like to use personally) play around with different chords and try to find a nice riff, then try to build a song around that riff, then add lyrics about, something random
2016-06-13 4:46 am
Moezlanski is right. All I can recommend is to have an idea of what it is you want to create, generate as much material as you can, and identify what works and what doesn't. Then refine your process as time goes on.
2016-06-13 3:45 am
There is no formula or code to break. It comes faster for some then others. Its just the way it is, also some may need more inspiration then others. Songwriting is not a cut and dry process. Its easy for some hard for others. Writers block is just part of the process. As annoying as it is and how frustrating it can be.

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