Is spaghetti by it self (no sauce or anything) healthy?

2016-06-13 2:34 am

回答 (6)

2016-06-13 2:37 am
Not really. Spaghetti strands are pasta, which are rich in carbohydrates.
2016-06-13 2:41 am
it's just pasta, no big deal. it's more about how much of it you eat, just like anything else. if you really want to be health conscious about it, get the wheat spaghetti (not very tasty, btw)
2016-06-13 2:40 am
No. It's high in simple carbohydrates. Your body needs a little bit of carbohydrate, but you almost certainly get more carbs than your body needs. And it really doesn't have any nutrients in it other than a tiny amount of iron.

Simple carbohydrates cause your blood sugar to spike. Switch to whole grain pasta to reduce this.
2016-06-13 2:35 am
Yes. A bit boring to eat but healthy. Your body needs carbohydrates.
2016-06-13 7:37 am
No it is not, as it is still a carb.
2016-06-13 4:42 am
Not really. Fruits and veggies are much healthier sources of carbs.

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