How to stimulate spinal cord after spinjal corf injury?please help.?

2016-06-12 7:47 am
hi guys,well im quadriplegic been paralyze for 2years 8 months due to diving accident as a result i broke my c4/c5/c6/c7 and no sensation or movement from shoulder spine got compressed in c6/c7 level please help me to regain my sensation and movement and please give me some advice how to stimulate the spinal cord.

回答 (3)

2016-06-12 8:05 am
Wish I had a magic pill or remedy for you. Sounds like you've really counted down since it's happened. I'd try and just enjoy life. Never heard of anyone coming out of that.
2016-06-12 8:00 am
Sorry depends entirely where you live.
Ask local adults for actual info locally.
Google it locally.
Here u decades from options.
2016-08-08 6:28 am
use external stimulater

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