With Hillary, and Trump running for President, how screwed are we, if either one is elected?

2016-06-11 11:35 pm

回答 (4)

2016-06-11 11:37 pm
Hillary has been proven to be too lazy to handle TS information w/ care so I honestly believe TRUMP will
be more responsible.
2016-06-11 11:45 pm
A Racist Idiot and an all-time Killer-con artist... I love when people clap for either,, best part of everyday
2016-06-11 11:39 pm
Trump will be a great President.
2016-06-12 1:06 am
Depends what you mean by screwed. With Trump you get an assault on terrorists and crime prevention border wall. With HIllary you get more wars and less American jobs.

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