What is your opinion on circumcising babies?

2016-06-11 9:43 pm

回答 (15)

2016-06-12 9:31 pm
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I think that the common arguments in favor of circumcision are highly flawed. For one, baby boys' penises do not need to look like their fathers' as much as girls' labia do not need to look like their mothers'. If someone is comparing them, you've got bigger problems to worry about. Studies related to lower risk of HIV infection are also highly flawed. One commonly cited study in particular is laughably flawed and has been debunked (and don't forget, condoms exist!). Also, the whole idea of circumcising to avoid future mockery is just really sad, as I don't believe in the notion of fitting in at all costs. There are good reasons why circumcision isn't nearly as popular outside of the United States. As has already been mentioned, the only reason it became common practice in the US is to stop little boys from touching themselves.
2016-06-11 9:48 pm
Circumcising babies is dusgusting
2016-06-12 3:04 pm
That it's shitty.
It litterally has no positives.
If you actually take care of the penis, and clean it, there are no issues.
Meanwhile circumcising has killed infants, has butchered ther penis to the point that they can't do anything with it, that they needed surgery to remove it because it was so badly shredded.

The origional purpose for circumcising males is the same for females.
To stop masterbation.
Which should really be an eye opener.
2016-06-11 9:44 pm
I think of it what any other rational human being would think, its sick and immoral.
Except in extremely rare cases where it might be needed
2016-06-11 11:05 pm
That it's okay if medically necessary, but otherwise there's just no need to do it. Circumcising your baby son "So he'll look like his Daddy" isn't a good enough reason, either. It's not like fathers and sons routinely whip 'em out to compare.
2016-06-13 8:59 am
My son was circumcised- and I didn't want him to be. I had bad gestational diabetes with my first pregnancy and my son spent 7 days in the NICU- when he was born they had to give him glucose and he didn't eat for the first 2 days...... I was still in the hospital b/c of toxemia..... on the 5th day I went to hold him/give him a bottle in the NICU and he pooped- so I pulled the little pan of diapers out to change him- laid him down- and low and behold- he was cut. I FLIPPED MY S***!! Who had authorized this!? I certainly didn't ? Did I? The Nurse who just the DAY before I had been speaking to saying I didn't want to circumcise him was standing right there!!! Apparently I had "signed something" - I looked at the paperwork and somehow- there was my signature- had I forgotten- been too drugged up? I did a double take- it was MY OWN MOTHER'S handwriting........ My mother had said "He would have been made fun of/ostracized" Who the F*** would be looking at his DICK to make fun of him!? Turns out the doctor was so scissor happy he had actually allowed this blatant and fraudulent paper work filed and not only violated the LAW but the HYPOCRATIC OATH he swore..... YUP no recourse- b/c then I'd have to take legal action against my mother- but I'm pregnant again right now and due in a little other a month - don't know the gender yet, but I AM NOT going to have my mother in the room when I deliver- and if it's a boy - I may not even let her see him til I get him home - and she won't say a damn word about it- b/c she knows how wrong she was
2016-06-11 9:44 pm
that its an ancient practice that is actually terrible
2016-06-12 12:43 am
I has my son circumcised, he is now 2 months old and doesn't even recall it. keep it well by using a and ointment on the the area in each changing.

above all though its a personal choice, like whether you want to pierce a baby girls ears or not. within 2 weeks the site heals and it's perfectly fine.
2016-06-13 7:32 am
I wanted my son to have the experience of being nursed warmly at the breast as a very young newborn rather than having to deal with medically unnecessary excruciating pain.
My partner and I decided that it was merely a cosmetic procedure, and had no medical benefit whatsoever. We allowed him to decide when he was old enough, and at 23, he has had no reason yet to get circumcised.
2016-06-12 3:06 am
We did. I defaulted to my husband on this decision, as I saw both sides of the argument. I really don't care what others do
2016-06-11 11:13 pm
It's fine, and has medical benefits.
2016-06-13 3:02 am
Only if necessary. Otherwise no!
2016-06-17 11:13 pm
Female circumcision - Totally against it.

On the one hand - The current arguments about male circumcision are totally irrational.

On the other hand - Is it worth fighting this particular battle against lunatics? Circumcising a boy is going to turn into a scene like an old Frankenstein movie complete with illiterate peasants with torches shouting at your door. All avoided by deciding to go with a no. The small medical advantages are not worth the future hassle by crazies.
2016-06-15 8:42 pm
First of all, a doctor can only circumcise boy babies. I had both of my sons circumcised right after he was born.
2016-06-14 11:29 am
Circumcise is a religious rite and it has a great medical benefits.

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