Is it true that if people write in Bernie Sanders when voting the vote goes towards Trump?

2016-06-11 7:20 pm
Someone told me that when a vote doesn't go towards the democratic candidate it goes towards the GOP candidate. And they confused me

I think my friend was talking about the "Nader effect"

回答 (10)

2016-06-11 7:28 pm
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See the Nader effect
2016-06-11 7:21 pm
No, it is not true that if people write in Bernie Sanders when voting the vote goes towards Trump.

They are just trying to pressure you to vote for the candidate they want. Don't listen to them, vote your conscience, do NOT vote for the lesser of two evils.
2016-06-11 7:53 pm
If you support Burnie, your definitely confused.
2016-06-11 7:53 pm
No. But it doesn't go to Mrs. Clinton either, and if she doesn't get enough votes to win, and Sanders doesn't get enough votes to win, then Trump wins.
2016-06-11 7:43 pm
Stop hangin out with Junkies.
2016-06-11 7:21 pm
No, it's not true.

The only votes that go to any candidate are the votes that specifically ticked the box for that candidate. Anything else, goes elsewhere.
2016-06-11 11:36 pm
Splitting the Democrat vote is the probably the only chance Donnie has of beating Hillary. That is why even Bernie will support Hillary for POTUS, to stop that.
2016-06-11 7:47 pm
No, it doesnt count toward either candidate. Voting for any third party in the General is really stupid. Someone is pulling your leg, presumably you dont want to vote for Donald.
2016-06-11 7:27 pm
No its a vote for Sanders. Vote for who you want not because it's your party nominee or because you want the other guy to lose
2016-06-11 7:22 pm
The only thing 'true' is that you wouldn't vote for Hillary.

which is a good thing.

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