Is time an illusion.............????

2016-06-11 1:59 pm
Like all other codes human uses like numerics and alphabets to codify thier knowledge.Is time also an illusion created by mankind himself or it is the actual legitimacy of our progress..........??????

回答 (6)

2016-06-11 3:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Since time is a primary constituent to the physics of the universe, if it's an illusion, the illusion belongs to something outside of the universe.

But a property unique outside the universe is not a property that is, by definition, not part of this universe. Therefore, if time is an illusion, it's not an illusion to us.
2016-06-11 7:41 pm
It is as if it is not an illusion, therefore the question is moot.
2016-06-11 3:41 pm
If you consider time to be an illusion then you are delusional.
2016-06-11 2:26 pm
Some say that it is.
2016-06-11 2:09 pm
If time is an illusion, wouldn't that mean everything is happening simultaneously? That doesn't seem correct.
2016-06-11 2:01 pm
Yes it is

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