Can I die if I use baby powder everyday and inhale it? I literally spray baby powder all over me instead of putting it in my hands.?

2016-06-11 8:28 am
Is it bad that I inhale it because it's already in the air in my room and sleep while inhaling it everyday?

回答 (3)

2016-06-11 12:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well it could block alot in your lungs after a very long time but not if you don't spray it all over the air.

Sense it is there to get up wet stuff. But don't stress yourself.
I'm sure that it wont hurt you.
Btw have an open window or just take some baby powder.

Good luck!
2016-06-11 8:34 am
It can cause problems the talc like material can get into your lungs and start causing fluid buildup or scarring. Why would you be inhaling it all day even when you sleep? I am not asking to be rude just out of curiosity. Talc and other powders can have the same effect as breathing sheet rock dust which when it becomes wet (like when it enters your respiratory system) gets tacky and clings which is not good for the lungs at all.
2016-06-11 8:33 am
Sure Yes

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