How can my landlord evict me for filing bankruptcy in Pennsylvania even if my rent is paid on time every month?

2016-06-11 5:35 am

回答 (5)

2016-06-11 7:21 pm
Can't happen, and I'll bet that's not what's happening. You're being told you have to move by the landlord. A landlord can do that for no reason at all, as long as proper advance notice is given and you are not on a signed lease. If you are on a signed lease, the term of your lease must be honored, but does not have to be renewed, again, for no reason at all.

You are only being evicted if you have been served legal papers and have appeared in court and lost the case and a judge ordered you to move. Until that happens, you haven't been evicted, you are in the process OF eviction. And again, if you have a signed lease and are paying, you can't be evicted. I don't think that's the case.

I think that landlord found out you filed for bankruptcy (filings are public info and are printed in local legal newspapers anyone can get), and is concerned that your payments may stop. If you were in arrears, he might reasonably be concerned that you listed unpaid rent as an item to be discharged in the bankruptcy. But if you are current and you already filed, he has nothing to worry about except the rather foolish concern that you can't afford to stay. However, as foolish as it may be, he can 100% tell you to move by giving you proper advance notice, if you are not on a lease.
2016-06-11 6:52 am
If you don't have a lease he doesn't need a reason to evict you. It would seem that he believes you to be a risk and that if you do fall behind he wouldn't be able to get the money from you. Most landlords require that a tenant's income be 3x the amount of the rent. If yours isn't then he wants someone in your unit who he can depend upon.
2016-06-11 1:42 pm
he can't. But if you are on a month to month lease, then he can end it with the required notice (usually 30 days).

Also, he is not evicting you. Eviction is a legal process.
2016-06-11 12:05 pm
Eviction means they gave you notice to leave, you didn't so they took you to court, a court evicts............ so if you mean the landlord gave you notice to leave, if you are in the middle of a tenancy contract they can't, if you are a month to month tenant they can give you a months notice for any or no reason and if you are at the end of a tenancy they can give you notice
2016-06-11 6:56 am
Landlord can't legally.
Contact local attorney and adults for actual info locally

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