Do men turn women down because of pubuc hair?

2016-06-11 3:25 am
I don't mean just a little bit. I mean, like, a LOT. Hypothetically, if a woman had a large amount if pubic hair, is it most likely that they would be turned down for sex?

回答 (15)

2016-06-11 11:10 pm
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A grown, mature man would NEVER turn down sex with a woman just because of the amount of pubic hair she happens to have. After all, men have been having sex with women who have a lot of pubic hair ever since time began.

Grown women don't concern themselves with how much pubic hair a man has. What makes you think a grown man concerns himself about the amount of pubic hair a woman has?

If it worries you, just wait until you both get very elderly. By that time, all the pubic hair on both of you will have fallen out, and you will both be smooth as a baby's bottom..
2016-06-11 4:15 am
No, men are adults and they are aware that women have pubic hair.

Not to mention that very few self-respecting women would have sex with a man who would turn them down over how they groom their pubic hair, frankly a guy who does that is either some sort of pervert who wants a woman to look like a child or is so immature and clueless about women's bodies that he'd be truly useless during sex anyway.
2016-06-11 3:30 am
No, not for the most part. By the time the woman is naked, the guy is NOT thinking about body hair.

People didn't shave their bodies 15 years ago. People who did were considered strange.

That didn't start until Internet porn became a household phenomenon.
2016-06-11 3:26 am
no i would never turn down someone i like and who likes me in fact i prefer natural as do many other men
2016-06-11 11:23 pm
Do you mean men or boys?

Most boys will have an image in their minds of the amount of hair a woman should have... mostly they get this idea from seeing pictures online (they also get the idea that all plumbers are horny all the time and give every lonely housewife a good seeing too). So it might be a shock to them, however they will also be thinking "Wahay, lady parts"

When men get older and expericed (and better), then they realise it is not so important. And if it is then they are old enough to say what their prefernce is..

Some men love hairy
2016-06-11 10:30 am
Um...No. I have been married 21 years and never shave.
2016-06-11 3:31 am
Most men who are looking at a woman naked aren't going to be focused on pubic hair.
2016-06-11 4:45 pm
I prefer naturally hairy pubic hair on a woman, even if it's a lot!
2016-06-11 3:15 pm
No. If a guy knows he can have sex with her and she has a lot of hair down there, he isn't going to care just so long as she lets him do his thing with her.
2016-06-11 2:10 pm
Some men like pubic hair, others don't. Some men think a bald vagina without hair makes a woman look like a little girl and it's a turn off for them. It depends on your personal preference as a woman and the preference of the man that you are in a relationship with. Personally, I do not shave or wax my vagina and the man that I am with likes it that way.
2016-06-11 2:01 pm
most guys wouldn't care if they were getting some action
2016-06-11 7:42 am
Most females Did Not remove Pubic hair until the 1990's when Porn made it the IN thing

so for Thousands and Thousands of Years Men had sex with women with Pubic hair!
2016-06-12 11:15 pm
if they are real men they don't turn women down for things like that, accept what you have and be happy. if they don't like it than they have a problem.
2016-06-12 3:11 pm
grown MEN wouldn't care if a women has lots of Pubic hair because they know that that's just part of life and it shows that you're mature. some MEN think that not having hair will feel like having sex with a young teenage girl. however BOYS may have an idea that women have to be bald under there because of porn, which depicts women with no pubic hair.
2016-06-11 3:26 am

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