How to ask my teacher for A in the class?

2016-06-11 2:27 am
For this entire year, I have been constantly going in to my teacher to ask for help. As a result, she has grown somewhat of a likening to me. For example, there were two situations where she gave back a grade and when I went in to talk to her, she gave me two extra points.

The end of the school year is closing in, and I have an 87 in the class. I want to raise it to an A, presenting several points.

This includes: Working hard during the year, showing improvement, always asking for help, and that everyone is human (subjective components). What do you think?

I must emphasize the fact that she gave me bonus points on assignments because I went into her for help. This was not an opportunity given to every student. She just did it because I was willing to learn.



回答 (13)

2016-06-11 5:25 pm
There's no "asking for an A." You EARN an A. You could ask me all you like and you might be my favorite student, but if you don't earn the A, you don't get it. My son was in one of my classes one year, and HE didn't get an A because HE didn't EARN it.

Teachers are held accountable for how they grade, but there's a little something called integrity that most teachers have. Now if you're a hardworking, nice kid who fails with something like a 68, I would pass you with a 70, but there's no way just asking me for an A, would get you one.
2016-06-11 3:02 am
You seem to like this teacher, so do both her and yourself a favor, and forget about "asking" for the "A." In the first place, if she thinks you deserve it, she'll give it to you without your having to ask. (She'll ask herself if she is willing to raise to "A" the grades of all the students who got 87%. That's only fair, since she has to treat everyone the same. If she decides it's worth it, she'll go ahead and give "A" to everyone with 87 or higher, and you will be included.) Second, if you ask, it puts the teacher in an embarrassing position. She will be forced to say "NO" because if she does, in fact, raise your grade, she is opening herself up to a "request" for a higher grade from every student in every class. She cannot treat one student differently from the way she treats others. Cut her some slack, leave things alone, and let her make the decision for herself. If she gives you the "A" because you worked hard, it will come as a nice surprise. And if she feels she simply must assign you a grade of "B," you will receive the grade you have earned, which is all anyone has a right to expect.
2016-06-11 2:32 am
I sure hope you don't get As based on kissing up rather than actually earning it.
2016-06-11 2:30 am
Not going ,to,work
2016-06-11 2:30 am
It's good that you want to improve your grade and I give you props for that, but 3% is a lot when it means increasing a grade to that standard. Most teachers increase an 89.1% to a 90% if they consider the student loyal and hard working. It's worth a try asking for the A, but there are no guarantees when you are 3% away.
2016-06-11 2:29 am
An A has to be deserved
2016-06-13 2:06 pm
Nonsense! You don't. Grades serve many purposes: Rank in class, Rating of subject knowledge, and as Information for employers or schools. Inflated grades can cause much trouble.
2016-06-11 2:29 am
Go in there, drop your pants and say, "your gonna give me an A because i am a man"
2016-12-24 7:17 am
Not going ,to,work
2016-06-13 10:01 pm
Do you want her to be fired?
2016-06-13 3:47 pm
this can be mistaken as cheating you know
2016-06-14 3:41 pm
You have to earn it. If you did that to me, I would probably fail you.
2016-06-12 5:35 am
Why should you get an A if you didn't earn one?

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