Why Is Hitler seen as the big bad wolf while Stalin was way worse?

2016-06-11 12:02 am
The German people are almost becoming pussy's and afraid to show their love for their country because they will be called ''Nazi'' This further proofs that the winners write the history Stalin won and did not get nearly as much hate as Hitler got.

回答 (33)

2016-06-11 4:51 am
Because Hitler was being incredibly racist and cruel, and most importantly, on the loser's side. Hitler gassed so many undesirables. 10 million people were in the genocide. Stalin's great purge killed 20 million. Hitler killed his Jews by gassing with Zyklon B, a very painful death, and working Jews to death. Stalin killed by freezing half of his victims in Siberia and working the others to death. He also forced millions of soldiers to execute suicide missions. Hitler massasscared Russians in the lands they conquerored, while Stalin killed many after the war in east Germany by working them to death. During the Russian occupation of Germany after ww2, he declared the first 3 days in Germany for the Soviet soldiers to have some "Women Time." Millions of German women were rap*d. Stalin was more evil than hitler.
2016-06-11 12:11 am
The OP makes a valid point.

By any objective measure, Stalin was a far scarier leader than Hitler. Don't get me wrong - neither was exactly a "good guy" but Stalin was responsible for more deaths, led a more repressive regime, and was, on a personal level, much crazier.

Yet the Russians today are not only allowed, but encouraged, to celebrate their performance in WW2. In fact, it is against the law in Russia to criticze or insult the then USSR's war performance, as the Russian government rightly see Russia's heroism as separate from the crazed leadership of Stalin.

On the contrary, in Germany it is against the law to glorify Germany's performance in WW2. Germans are encouraged to hate their country and their war service.

I ask you - which country has the healthier attitude to its past?
2016-06-11 12:05 am
How ezacrly was Stalin worse?
I would definitely say that Hitler's attempted genocide made him far worse. Also the fact that he started the war. Stalin didn't start that war, and later ones arguably may never have happened if WW2 hadn't have happened.
2016-06-11 2:26 am
Anybody who says Stalin was worse than Hitler is either a moron or a nazi apologist (of whom there seems to be a lot lately).

"Oh Stalin is responsible for more deaths", Stalin also had more time and his killings were motivated by simple lust for power. Hitler's atrocities were motivated by a sick and completely insane ideology that called for the extermination of whole races and cultures. Something Hitler would have gladly done if he hadn't been stopped by guess who, the Russians. Who according to some idiot named Charles should not be proud of that now.

Meanwhile according to that same mentality challenged individual the Germans should be proud of being the aggressor in the worst conflict in human history.

History is not written by the victor's, history is just not properly understood by idiots.
2016-06-12 3:37 pm
Hitler was a good man.
2016-06-11 8:53 pm
Germany got invaded and opened up and turned inside out for all the world to see and judge. Russia remained closed and kept its dirty secrets.
2016-06-11 3:35 am
The excesses of Stalin and his regime were based on his desire to keep himself in power and to modernize and strengthen the state he ruled.While this in no way excuses these excesses,they are in common with with the goals of many other leaders at many other times and places in history.

The excesses of Hitler and his Nazi regime were based on an absurd racial theory,which is NOT in common with other leaders at other times and places - which is what makes Hitler worse than Stalin.
2016-06-11 12:37 am
Winners do not write history, you stupid fuckbag. HISTORIANS write history, and they use all available sources (as well as the absence of sources). You are an idiot.
2016-06-14 8:53 pm
Counting dead bodies is an intellectually and morally bankrupt manner of judging "evil"

Else you will be considering the man who kills 20 intruders in defending his family to be worse than the lunatic who eats 5 hitchhikers.

To get to our compare dictators game --

Hitler destroyed a normative capitalist democracy
and established in its place
a society based on the murder of ethnic minorities and enslavement of foreigners.

Stalin was basically the same sort of dictator that Russia had for a thousand years,
except in that his government improved social equality and education in Russia and forbade ethnic discrimination.
2016-06-11 12:03 am
Hitler was a big bad wolf - and Stalin was just as bad. There's nothing good you can say about either of these guys - they murdered MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people for really nothing.
2016-06-11 4:45 pm
Because Stalin survived WWII and waged a propaganda insurgency war against the USA vilifying Hitler and the Nazis with the help of all the left wing Jews in Hollyweird.

Please read: The Venona Decrypts.
2016-06-11 12:12 am
-Because Adolph imposed His Stupidity- upon a lot MORE Unwilling Countries.... While "Uncle Joe" -kept most of HIS, within His OWN Borders. :(
2016-06-12 6:03 am
Stalin did the same as Lincoln who had 640,000 Murdered to save his job and america made it a hero stalin only killed a few Million of his own People

i dont see much difference

A thumbs down

so it was ok for Lincoln to do the same as Hitler and Stalin

Lincoln he used slavery to start the war
2016-06-11 12:55 am
And that is why it is futile to try to rank them in a league.

Both deserve and receive opprobrium and both deserve to be studied without reference to who is worse, that kind of mordant analysis belongs in the playground.
2016-06-11 12:05 am
The fact that you are saying that Stalin was way worse means that people know. Any educate person knows. Hitler is more famous for it because he was on the opposite side of the war, and, I don't know, gassed 6 million Jews. Last year or the year before Stalin was voted the most evil man in history. So..
2016-06-15 10:05 am
2016-06-14 5:48 pm
The only people who actually see Stalin as anything other than a man responsible for atrocities and an evil man are die hard Communist/Marxist sympathizers.

That being the case, both he and Hitler are see as "big bad wolfs".
The question is why YOU have a problem with Hitler being characterized as such... And falsely link that to the inability for Germans to be patriotic.
2016-06-13 4:28 pm
Both are evil.
2016-06-12 8:10 pm
Stalin had forced everyone under his regime to speak Russian or die .
2016-06-12 6:19 pm
In terms of their capacity for slaughtering innocent people, they were exactly the same. In fact, toward the end of his life, Stalin was sending people to concentration camps where they could be worked to death for the crime of being Jewish, just like Hitler. (Look up Stalin's theory of a conspiracy of evil Jewish doctors.) Although they chose different types to be their victims, their ideas of justice were both utterly bizarre. Hitler thought starving retarded children to death was "mercy killing," and Stalin thought that being worked to death in Siberia was a fitting punishment for a composer who didn't use the right style in his symphony.

People of the countries that were at war with Nazi Germany got into the habit of using "Hitler" as synonym for "worst person ever." You could use "Stalin" the same way, but there's no need to, although the facts of Soviet history shouldn't be overlooked.

One difference between Stalin and Hitler is that he made sure that there would be no photographic evidence of the Gulags. The Nazis on the other hand carefully documented their atrocities with photos and films. Images of Nazi atrocities will persist on the Internet.
2016-06-12 3:43 pm
2016-06-12 3:12 pm
Stalin is forgotten in Russia while Fuhrers spirit has returned in all of Europe since 2014 . FACT ?? EH ??
2016-06-12 2:27 pm
Because Staling didn't invade and kill all his neighbors, until after he was attacked.

If Hitler had just killed Germans, nobody would have cared.
2016-06-12 12:32 pm
Take it up a notch higher and I think Caligula is the most evil bastard to roam the earth, IMO.
2016-06-12 2:57 am
Both are. Why should there be a preference? If that comes to that - Hitler attempted building up his country/nation, but couldn't do it without gobbling up other nations. He was bugged by Lebensraum & its predatory consequences. He destroyed his nation & Europe as well. Stalin was lucky in having a semblance of a huge empire tied up by an ideology, enhanced the stature of his entity & exploited the situation of war to project it to a superpower (his successors did that).
2016-06-11 1:02 am
More documentation on Hitler's actions.
2016-06-11 12:09 am
Germans get called "Nazis" and Americans get called "Racist".
2016-06-13 7:20 am
Hitler was not a German, he was an Austrian and if you want to know the root of National Socialism, look no further than Austria which only a few weeks ago came within a whisker of voting in a neo-Nazi government. I heard they've got another go at it in two years time. Makes my flesh crawl to think of the outcome.

Heil everyone.
2016-06-12 7:00 pm
Adolf Hitler was much worse,he killed Jews for just existing
2016-06-12 4:56 pm
First I would suggest that you know little to nothing about the German people or how they should love of their country,
Second Hitler controlled the government that murdered over 6 million people that represent several groups of people including homosexuals, those with physical and mental disabilities, and several ethnic groups in addition to the Jews.
Third Stalin controlled the government who imprisoned or killed people HE found to be "enemies" of the government and the total number didn't amount to the number killed by Hitler.
Lastly, what actually happened in the USSR during the time of Stalin is not actually known. There is no significant documentation that has been released by any succeeding government since Stalin's death, unlike the events that occurred during Hitler's rule.
However, to refer to Hitler as "the big bad wolf" is to attempt to down play the events in Germany during World War II.
Both were evil men who killed many innocent people.
參考: Retired Instructor - subjects included World History and Economics; Rulers through the ages and European History focus 1900-1950.
2016-06-12 6:46 am
because Stalin didn't try to violently imperialize other countries
2016-06-11 11:49 am
Your premise is incorrect. The moment that any leader murders the innocent to stay in power, they become equally despicable. It is like being pregnant. Either you are or you are not. It does not matter who had the larger body count -- a body count of one irrevocably renders a verdict of guilty in the court of History
參考: I am an Historian.
2016-06-12 5:54 pm
Though Stalin killed more people than Hitler Stalin's goal was not genocide and if Hitler had succeeded he would have gone on to killed many more people than Stalin or any one else in history.

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