Does newspaper really make windows clean and clear?

2016-06-10 7:51 pm
Friends have told me that using newspaper instead of cloth for mirrors and windows really work wonders. Has anyone heard of that too and have you tried it? Thank you!

回答 (22)

2016-06-11 1:07 am
Yes, spray your windows with vinegar/water solution, and then wipe with newspapers. It works well.
2016-06-10 8:41 pm
Hi yes it does it is the news print which has a good cleaning effect. as does a wash with water with methalayted spirits in the water.
2016-06-10 7:57 pm
Yes it is from times past when the house work used things which were about then as there were very few chemical cleaners, and the type of paper the news print paper is has some very good uses just like cleaning the windows to leave them streak free.
2016-06-12 2:56 am
Yes, I had been told to do that for over 50 years ago while was young and that was true to such an extent. And I thought that was due to the printing oily substance which might be something to do with that.
2016-06-10 9:33 pm
2016-06-10 7:54 pm
It doesn't leave behind lint like most other items you might use.
2016-06-10 7:52 pm
try it
2016-06-15 9:31 am
Yes its proven.
2016-06-14 3:34 am
Yes, it has a scouring effect, when crumpled, that paper towels and rags lack...good for litter boxes,too.
2016-06-13 12:19 am
It's one of those helpful household hints that has been around forever, and you can try it, but you need to wear plastic gloves or rubber gloves, because the dampened ink does rub off on skin and clothing, and can make a mess. I've tried it, and frankly think an old towel works just as well.
2016-06-12 10:18 pm
2016-06-12 7:29 am
Yes, it has been told for years
2016-06-12 4:48 am
Yes, it does.
2016-06-11 1:32 pm
yes with the water or cleaning chemical you can...
2016-06-10 8:17 pm
Yes it does.
2016-06-22 2:41 am
It does but it's old school. Buy paper towels. Better brand so you get less lint. Use Windex.
2016-06-15 9:34 pm
Yes, I used to use when we took the newspaper. Your hands may get ink on them, but the windows will be clean.
2016-06-14 3:26 am
It reallt works when you use vinegar with water wthen wipe it with a newspaper. It will give instant shine and glow
2016-06-13 4:55 am
yes, it does
2016-06-13 3:23 am
It's very helpful.
2016-06-13 1:51 am
Yes, it does.
2016-06-10 7:56 pm
The chemicals in the paper do help.

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