What are some factors that are pushing farmers of latin america off of their land and forcing them to move into the cities?

2016-06-10 6:46 pm

回答 (1)

2016-06-10 7:02 pm
remember that wonderful, oh-so-special "climate change" agreement Obama signed in Paris a while back to much fanfare?

did you know that it requires nations to designate a certain percentage of their lands as untouchable "natural reserves?" wonderful, right?

did you know that those nations are basically allowed to force anyone who happens to be living on those lands to vacate them? did you know that most of those are uneducated, indigenous farmers and hunter gatherers?

so what do you think will happen to those folks once they are forced to move to the bigger cities? how do you think they will support themselves?

well guess what? that "climate change" agreement also forces First World nations to reduce emissions (YAY!)...and what's the best way to do that? Why, encourage all their big manufacturers and other polluting industries to those "developing" nations of course!...

...and it just so happens that there will be millions of jobless, impoverished, uneducated people just waiting to be exploited as cheap labor..... Yay climate change warriors!

..if you take it a step further and understand that those rich companies also happen to donate heavily to guys like Obama...can you finally see how the "hoax" part of "global warning" isn't the "science" ?

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:58:54
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