should i act on my feelings?..?

2016-06-10 8:48 am

should I tell him how i feel?


recently an old employee ive had a crush on for years before my bf, started working part time at my job again for the summer. as far as i know his feelings for me as simply friendly ones, as we have been close friends for many years before i started dating my current boyfriend, and he knows im in a relationship. but recently hes been jokingly flirting with me and its making it really hard for me not to tell him how i feel..and now i feel guiltily for feeling anything when i have a boyfriend...


but he told me the other day that hes not staying as long as he planned on it and is moving back to the city for good...and im not sure if i should even bother explaining my feelings to him but on the other hand maybe i shuold since im not going to see him often anymore...

回答 (2)

2016-06-10 8:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
ummm.... are those feelings legal
when in doubt don't
2016-06-10 9:10 am
yes be honest

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