What are some weird things non american's think about the U.S. What do you find weird about the country?

2016-06-10 4:33 am

回答 (4)

2016-06-10 4:40 am
i have heard from foreign friends who thought the streets were paved with gold and everybody was rich and had 5 new cars and you didnt have to work.

they were shocked when they got here and had to find a job
2016-06-10 4:55 am
Using forks like little shovels. Drinking tap water at restaurants. Asking for ice in restaurants. Drinking fresh milk. Being excessively loud in public transport, at cafes, etc. Bad fashion sense.
2016-06-10 4:53 am
I once heard a non-American say that Americans "don't season their chicken". That was possibly the weirdest stereotype I've ever heard.
2016-06-10 4:39 am
Just the generalizations they use like they all think we are fat, lazy, stupid bums.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:49:29
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