How do I help?

2016-06-09 5:23 pm
Me and my dad lives w my aunt and uncle and there kids. My uncle thinks my dad is hot for my aunt and my uncle threatened to kill himself. He has a gun and we all think he does drugs. Were afraid he will hurt himself or someone else. My dad fears our life so me and him are moving out today but my aunt and three very young cousins will still be in the house and Idk if they will be safe. Idk what to do.

回答 (2)

2016-06-09 5:28 pm
By you and your father moving out, your uncle might relax a bit and not threaten anyone, nor suicide. Your aunt should ring the police and tell them of their situation. Ideally, it would be best if the gun were removed from the household and that your uncle received psychological assessment and care. But, as I say, just by you and your father leaving might be enough to lessen everybody's risk of injury.
2016-06-09 8:17 pm
Your Dad's responsibility is to take care of YOU so getting "out of Dodge" with his son is the RIGHT thing to do. Of course you are both concerned for the rest of the family. There are many programs in place to help people who need help. Your Aunt is aware of this and knows how to reach out for help for herself, her husband, and their children.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:57:14
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