You ever been bullied?

2016-06-09 5:12 pm

回答 (42)

2016-06-09 5:17 pm
Yeah (by the way, How many accounts has Baby Tiger,10-15? SHE uses her many accounts to follow and push up their own questions in section discover, if you did not know until now, well, SHE is a fake user, just look at her and learn, if you want to receive many answers to your questions.. so . ATTENTION! If you want to get more answers to your questions, you must have many Followers, that means, you must have many accounts as the user Baby Tiger, to use these accounts to follow your own questions, and so your questions will get in section Discover. If you want to be on top here, you need to understand how the mechanism works firstly, Many users make use of this scam because they can and they know how, They are popular here, but many of them are FAKE, but they pretend of course not, So do not be a sucker be clever like Baby Tiger, That's life, if you want to reach the top you have to cheat..
2016-06-09 7:09 pm
Yes, for a while until I realized that ignoring them doesn't make them stop and that acting hurt makes them worse. I realized that the only thing that stops bullies is a bigger bully. So I learned to be a worse bully than they could imagine. I humiliated them and was extremely verbally cruel to the point of bringing them to tears. I then taunted them as often as I could to remind them to never cross me again. I never bullied innocent people, I stood up for them after from the real bullies. I only bullied bullies.
2016-06-10 3:01 pm
Yes but I broke huisnjaw. He respected me after that. This was in 8th grade. BTW, I am female and my bully was male.
2016-06-09 5:13 pm
Nope, never. Although people have tried to and miserably failed ;)
2016-06-09 11:05 pm
Yes. I was bullied by teachers and students during my school years. This was common during the 1970s. In a way I am glad I was bullied because it made me into a tough person. I don't recall ever coming home after school crying like a little girl to my mother. My mother was worst than all those bullies combined.
I rarely get bullied today because I am confident and assertive man. Also, I don't have any emotional or psychological issues either.
2016-06-15 6:57 pm
Yes. It was awful and I'm thankful they stopped!
2016-06-12 5:09 am
Yes back in pre-High School days! I was scared of mustard and mayonnaise and still scared of the latter today. Weird huh?
2016-06-11 11:22 am
Yes, I'm always their favorite target.
2016-06-11 11:01 am
2016-06-11 6:55 am
2016-06-11 3:35 am
2016-06-11 2:46 am
2016-06-11 2:41 am
Yes, I was taken out of catholic school and put in public school in the 3rd grade. I was like a sheep thrown to the wolves. That was even the schools' mascot, a wolf. There was this kid named Brandon who was the sports star I accidently gave him a concussion and while he was in the hospital all our teams lost the championship without him. So everyone hated me. And Brandon he made the rest of my life a living hell, not just at that school but also Middle and high school. he pulled the chair from under me, beat me, spread rumors that I was gay, stole all the girls I liked etc.
2016-06-11 12:34 am
Yes, it was very mild though... I was bullied in first and second grade:(
2016-06-10 8:13 pm
Yes..from teachers to classmates to strangers...for them me an easy target!...:(
2016-06-10 6:30 pm
yes i have been bullied
2016-06-10 6:09 pm
2016-06-10 5:54 pm
Yes, most people who aren't influential manipulate others through intimidation and some influential people still keep it in their back pocket if they're not getting their way otherwise. Everyone has to have a healthy response to it.
2016-06-10 5:50 pm
2016-06-10 5:11 pm
yeha and i aint a niqqa to mess with. (turns into lil wayne) dont throw no ice at me homie.........
2016-06-10 2:51 pm
Yes, for 13 years now. Since I was three.
2016-06-10 9:08 am
2016-06-10 6:29 am
I have
2016-06-10 6:20 am
2016-06-10 4:39 am
2016-06-10 4:19 am
Yes uncle, i get bullied everyday!!
2016-06-10 1:59 am
We all have.
2016-06-10 1:08 am
2016-06-10 12:52 am
2016-06-09 10:26 pm
2016-06-09 9:38 pm
2016-06-09 9:04 pm
2016-06-09 8:27 pm
2016-06-09 5:50 pm
I'm a special needs black woman with scars all over her body. What do you think?
2016-06-09 5:33 pm
You know that phrase "beware the quiet ones?" It was said for a reason in my case...
2016-06-09 5:15 pm
Yes. Until I decided not to be bullied any longer.
2016-06-09 5:14 pm
Yes, I have.
2016-06-09 5:13 pm
2016-06-09 5:13 pm
2016-06-09 5:12 pm
2016-06-10 3:33 am
Yes, i think it's one part of highschool life.
2016-06-09 5:13 pm
No i am the bully

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