Drug repercussions?

2016-06-09 1:46 am
I m a 15 year old athletic guy who runs track year round. I use drugs on a semi-regular basis, mostly marijuana, kratom, and alcohol, however, I also do research chemical such as A-PHP, 3-mio-PCP, and FUB-AMB, as well as dabbling in opioids, amphetamines, and cathinone. When I was in a semi-serious relationship, I was clean off of all drugs, but I remember that as a very druggy-feeling experience that is very blurry in comparison to my life with casual drug use. I know drug use is frowned upon by a lot of users on here and a lot of people in general, but I don t care about that. I just want to know if there are going to be any repercussions outside the usual adverse effects of the drugs I do, with would include, but this list is not exhaustive, memory loss, liver damage, immunosuppression, physical/mental dependence, hormonal receptor damage, etc. Thank you!

回答 (2)

2016-06-09 2:00 am
Well, the fact that you will miss out on job opportunities, you could be kicked off of sports teams, you are throwing away money on drugs that you could spend on other things, you could do damage to your body that will result in birth defects in your children, you are likely to escalate your drug use, and of course the issues with your body that you mention. You sound like a smart guy, WISE UP!
2016-06-09 2:23 am
You left out going to jail or prison.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:58:32
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